My hero (Nathan Prescott x Reader)

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Requested by: pullerofnevs

Contains some spoilers from Life Is Strange..

(Y/N)= Your name.

(E/C)= Eye colour.

Word count: 1512.

You woke up with a dull throbbing in your head, your memory a blur. You thought that maybe you had been drinking last night and had a hangover now, but nothing came to memory. 'Fuck, what the hell happened to me..?' you thought to yourself, as you tried to raise your hand to your head. You froze when you noticed that your wrists where taped to either arm of a chair and you quickly looked around, not recognising the room you were in.

The room was bright and white and the first thing you noticed was the camera set up on a tripod pointing in your direction. As you scanned your eyes around the room further, panic started to set in as you saw the tray beside you filled with injections. There were a few photographs on the tray and as you squinted your eyes to get a better look at them, you recognised that the photographs were of you taped up in this very room. In the photographs you looked so out of it and drugged up.. That would explain the injections and the sharp stinging feeling that you kept getting in your neck.

You had never been in a situation like this before and you were terrified, your hands and legs starting to shake in fear. 'I-It's okay.. this is all just a bad dream..' you kept telling yourself over and over in your head, trying to reassure yourself that you were going to be fine.

Suddenly a loud creaking noise interrupted your thoughts and you quickly looked up in panic just in time to see Mark walk into the room followed by none other than... Nathan Prescott! What the fuck!?

"N-Nathan.." You managed to mumble quietly, really confused as to what was going on and why Nathan was involved since you and him had become pretty close over the 3 years that you had gotten to know him. You had been there for him when he was having his mental breakdowns, when he sobbed uncontrollably and just needed a shoulder to cry on and you had held him in your arms to make him feel loved when no one else wanted to know him. So why was he doing this to you?

You then turned your attention to Mark Jefferson who was looking at you with a smug grin on his face. You had always found him creepy since the day you first started Blackwell Academy, but you never would of expected this type of behaviour from a photography teacher. Mark would always stare at you in class as if he wanted to burn your image into his head. Now this was all starting to make sense. A whimper escaped your throat as you started to shiver in fear under his gaze.

"Ah good, our new model has finally awoken. Sorry about the stinging feeling you probably have in your neck.. but you shouldn't worry about it too much since you're going to die when I'm done with you, so you clearly have bigger things to worry about.." Mark said in a mocking tone of voice, clearly amused by your fear. "I really do hope you last longer than Rachel Amber did though, it would be a real shame for you to die so quickly." Mark snickered as he walked around the chair you were taped to, looking at you like you were his prey.

Your watery (E/C) eyes widened at what Mark had said about Rachel. He killed her!? Your eyes followed Mark as he took each step and you could feel your legs tremble even more as you turned your attention to Nathan who was standing in the corner of the room. "P-Please Nathan, you.. you have to help me.." you whispered, hoping that the weakness in your voice was enough to convince Nathan to help you.

Nathan looked straight into your eyes, rubbing at the back of his neck nervously with a guilty expression on his face and tears in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry (Y/N) I didn't want this to happen to you, I'm so-"

Mark abruptly cut Nathan off by turning around and hitting him hard in the face, making him immediately shut up. "Shut up Nathan! You wanted to be just like me, didn't you!? Well then grow some balls and stop whimpering like the pathetic little coward you are!" Mark frowned when he heard Nathan whimper, shaking his head to himself and sighing in annoyance. "Pathetic.." He said again, walking over to the tripod that was placed in front of you.

Mark picked up the camera and looked through the lenses at you, frowning in disappointment when he saw that you were now crying. "Well it looks like somebody needs a new dose to calm down, hm?" He said with a creepy smirk, placing the camera down again to pick up an injection from the tray and slowly filled it with the same drug he had drugged you with earlier. "Now hold still and this will only hurt a little.." He said lowly as he jabbed the needle into your neck in the exact same place as earlier. You screamed in agony, thrashing around to try to get free but nothing was working and you could already feel your body getting weaker by the second. The last thing you remember before you pass out is Mark staring down at you with a malicious grin.

*1 Hour later*

You started to wake up slowly, your head spinning as you regained consciousness. Everything in your vision was such a blur and all you could do was groan because of the pain in your neck. Your palms were sweaty but you were cold and your skin had turned a sickly colour. This wasn't right, you needed a hospital and fast.

You jumped as a hand gently gripped your shoulder and you immediately looked over to see who it was.

Nathan was crouched down beside you, looking at you with a worried expression on his face. "I swear I tried to stop him f-from choosing you to be his next model, but he wasn't taking no for an answer, please forgive me.." He whispered, looking into your eyes as he gently placed his hand on your cheek to caress it.

You immediately tensed up at the touch and quickly looked away from him, glaring since you had never felt so scared and betrayed in your life. He was supposed to be your friend.. your crush actually.. "Why.. Why the hell are you both doing this!? it's so sick a-and wrong to make girls pose for you! I thought you were my friend Nathan, I thought you c-cared but actually all this time you were just planning to fucking torture me like this..!" You yelled weakly, tears starting to stream down your cheeks once again.

Nathan frowned at your words, using his thumb to brush away the tears from your cheek. He took his other hand off your shoulder to cup your chin and gently forced you to look at him while saying in a soft voice, "Calm down, okay? Mark has left for a while and I'm going to get you out of here, I promise.. I love you so much and I can't lose you, you're the only thing that keeps me sane.."

The room was silent for a few moments before you realised what he had said and your eyes widened in shock as Nathan leaned in to place a gentle kiss on your lips. You couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed and safe with his lips against yours and his hand caressing your cheek like that. You were surprised that Nathan could actually be this gentle since he was always so tough around people.

Seconds passed and Nathan slightly pulled away, slowly opening his eyes to look at you. "You're safe now, I've got you.." He said quietly, grabbing a pair of scissors from the near by table to cut the tape from your ankles and wrists. He then picked you up from the chair and made his way to the exit with you, making sure not to move too fast.

You placed a hand on his chest as he carried you out of the dark room and outside, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling of his arms around you. "Nathan, th-thank you.. I knew you'd snap out of it.. I love you so much, you're my hero.."

Nathan tensed up and stopped walking, surprised by your words since no one had ever said something that nice to him before. He smiled slightly and looked down at you to kiss your forehead, before starting to walk towards a hospital again. "I'll always be here to protect you (Y/N), never forget that." He said as he held you closer to his chest. You smiled, slowly starting to fall asleep in his arms, happy that at least one good thing came out of that situation.

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