Chapter 4: Hold Me Tighter

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A/N This is a timeskip of 2 months after the previous chapter. So yeah. Also, I just started this like 3 days ago, why is it doing better than books I started over a month ago...XD Beggars can't be choosers, tysm! I'll try to update daily/weekly. Also, the title may or may not be based off a Heathers thing... Anyways, here ya go!

Time-Skip 2 Months

          Roman's POV

     I'm on the couch, with Patton, Logan, and my Love, Anxiety. He's pretty close to me. We're not cuddling, sadly, but he's relatively close. Of course, as it is Saturday, it's Disney movie binge night. I got first pick. So I, naturally, chose Aladdin. It's naturally a classic, and Thomas' favorite, and mine, which is why I chose it. It's almost over, though. We're at the Magic Carpet ride. Oh, how I love this scene! I bet Thomas could do some thing with this. Just something. I'm not sure what...

          oh boi another timeskip.

     "R-Roman..." I looked over at my clock. 3:24? Who's up at this hour? "C-Can I come i-in...?" I recognized the shaky voice. Anxiety...I got up out of my bed and rushed over to the door. I opened it to find a slightly shaking Anxiety. His face was stained with tear lines and his eyes were red. I encased him in a hug, guiding him into my room. I closed the door behind me, and led him over to my bed. It was big, red and gold, and had at least a million pillows. I sat down on my bed and patted next to me. He lied down next to me, slipping under the covers. He leaned closer to me, burying his face in my chest. I stroked his hair in a comforting manner, pulling him closer. "What happened, Love?" I broke the comfortable silence. No response. No response for almost a minute. "I...I had a nightmare..." I knew how bad his nightmares got, and they usually ended up with...terrifying things. I continued pet his hair, and noticed something.

     We were cuddling. He was cuddling me and I was cuddling him. It was comforting, for me and him, I could tell. "Do you want to talk about it?" He shook his head. "You sure...?" He nodded. We stayed like that all night. No talking, no noises, just holding eachother.

          Anxiety's POV

     Ugh...Why is the sun so bright? Even so, it won't stop me from sleeping! Okay...maybe it will. I mean, I am hungry anyways. I try to get up and out of bed, but realize something. I'm cuddling with Roman. I felt my cheeks heat up, I don't even think my white foundation is covering it at this point.  I was broken away from my thoughts with a knock at the door. "Hey, Roman, we can't find Anxiety. We kinda need your help, it's important." Logan said from behind the door. I stayed silent. I didn't know how to react. "Roman?" He asked. "We're coming in, okay?" I couldn't move. His grip was too strong. I tried shaking Roman awake. It kinda worked. He started stirring in his sleep. I kept shaking as I heard the door-knob slowly twist. "W...what? What time is it...?" I slipped under the covers trying my best not to be seen. "Roman? Did you just wake up?" I could hear the whole conversation. "Yeah, why?" "We can't find Anxiety! We've checked everywhere!" "Oh...I, uh, don't know where he is...check his room again maybe, I'll be out in five." "Okay!"I heard the door click shut, indicating that they were gone. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Guess they noticed my 'sudden disappearance' huh?" I threw the covers off of me. "I guess so." Prince chuckled. "Anyways, I'm gonna fix up a little bit. You should probably head out. They are looking for you." I nodded in response, heading out the door, closing it behind me. I walked out into the living room, sitting myself down on the couch. "ANXIETY! WHE-" Morality spotted me on the couch. His Panic {! At the Disco} came to a sudden halt. "Where have you been?" Logan asked. "Uhh, France?" I responded, a shy smirk sneaking up onto my face. "Aaahhh!! He's using Lin-Manuel Miranda's words! Again!" Morality screamed. "It's a good musical, what'd you expect?" I replied. "Ah, it is a good musical." Logan chimed in. We continued talking about Hamilton until Prince came out of his room. "So, where'd you find him?" He asked. "On the couch. I'm surprised he's up this early..." Logan said. "Anyways, what shall we do today?" "Well...maybe we could hang out in the Imagination Room?" Prince chimed in. The Imagination Room is set to whatever you set it at. If you want it to be a magical forest, just say it out loud. It's okay. "Mmmm...okay. I'm fine with that." I said. "Yeah, I'm fine with that!" Patton replied. "Well okay! It's settled!" Roman chimed.


     "Whoo! That was fun!" Patton said, sitting himself down on the couch. "I will was fun." I said, and plopped myself on the couch as well. "It was enjoyable..." Logan chimed in. "It was amazing! I loved every second of it!" Roman squealed. It was...adorable. "Well, I got up early, so I'm gonna go to bed and scroll through tumblr. Later." I saluted with two fingers and headed to my room.

A/N: Yayyyyyyy another chapter!! I don't have much to say, so yeah, bye!

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