Chapter 10: Questions

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          Logan's POV

     "We're dating." They said in unison. My theory was correct! I mean, of course it is, why wouldn't it be? "REALLY?!" Patton was ecstatic, as usual, just more excited with receiving this news. "Yeah..." Anxiety mumbled. Patton pulled the couple into a big hug, pulling me into it as well. "Since when?!" Patton almost screamed. "About five months." Roman stated. "Aww...! You two are adorable!" He let go of us all. Anxiety was trying to hide his embarrassment. I put my arm around him, "Are you okay? You seem flustered and...nervous." I asked. "Oh, uh-I'm fine. Just...nervous, you're right. Don't know why, either..." His voice trailed off. "It's okay." I said in the best comforting tone I could manage, I'm not the best with emotions as Patton is. While I was with Anxiety, Patton was bombarding Roman with questions.  Like, "who confessed first?" or "how cute does he act?" Stupid questions, but questions nonetheless. As time went on, Roman began to grow tired of questions, and excused himself. That left Patton, Anxiety, and me. So, Patton went on to Anxiety, who was hesitant to answer questions, but answered them nonetheless.

          Roman's POV

     I strolled down the hallway, making my way to my room. I remember when I basically realized I had feelings for Anxiety, and I remember everything so distinctly.


     It was going so smoothly, except for the part where Anxiety would leave his rude remarks. "Oh, Thomas! You know Anxiety is only ruining our ideas and we just have to block him out!" I said dramatically. I glared over at Anxiety, he didn't bring anything rude or idiotic to the table. It was starting to surprise me. While Logan was discussing something with Thomas, Patton just blatantly interrupted them. "Look!" He attempted to be quiet, but obviously failed. I heard a soft groan from across the room, Anxiety. "He's asleep!" He whisper yelled. All eyes were on the sleeping boy on the stairs. He was...kinda cute. What? No! He's your enemy, Roman! "Roman, carry him back to his room, will you?" Thomas asked. "Why me of all people?" I shot back. "Cause your the closest to him." Patton said. "No I'm not! Logic is!" "Well, we're discussing something with Patton. Please?" Thomas asked once more. "Fine..." I grumbled. I walked over to the stairs and my eyes immediately fell on Anxiety. He seemed so...relaxed. His breathing was slow and steady, he looked so tired, probably with or without the eye shadow, and he just seemed...peaceful. I gently picked him bridal style and almost instantly he nuzzled closer to my chest. "He's a cuddler!" Patton squealed. Logan put his hand on his mouth, and quickly took it away. "WHAT THE-DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND?!" He almost screamed. Anxiety began to stir in his sleep. "Shhh-!" They stopped their bickering. "I'll be right back, I have to put the ray of sunshine to bed." I said with a tone of annoyance. I sunk back down with the sleeping boy in my arms. I appeared back in the living room, trying my best to keep him asleep. I walked down the hall that had all of our bedrooms, looking for Anxiety's room. Logan's...Patton's...Mine...Oh! His room is right next to mine...I slowly opened the door, trying to be as quiet as possible. I took a good look around his room before setting him down gently on his bed. Band merch, Tim Burton things, black and white. Just what I expected. I looked back down at him, before turning away. I felt a slight tug at my sleeve. "mmmmm..." He mumbled. I guess he wants me to stay...I sat down next to him, trying to keep a little bit of distance. His bed comfy. I could feel a shift in the bed, noticing him scooting closer to me. Soon, he put an arm around my waist, allowing the sleeping boy to pull himself even closer to me. I blushed profusely, noticing something...odd. I have a crush on this boy...I wrapped my arm around him in return, still blushing madly. I began to feel my eyelids grow heavy. I tried to fight the sleepiness, wanting to prolong this moment for as long as I could. Soon, though, I let sleep consume me, drifting off with the small boy in my arms.

                                                <<<PRESENT TIME<<<

     I felt a smile tug at my lips, bringing happy tears to my eyes. I went back out, realizing I couldn't leave my poor boy alone. I looked over at him, noticing him trying to fight off Patton and Logan. Well, Patton mostly, Logan was also fighting him off. I ran over to his side, trying to help him fight off the ever ecstatic Patton. Soon enough, Logan was restraining him, trying to get him to calm down. Finally after he was calm, he pretty much passed out on the couch. I grabbed his hand, earning a slight blush from Anxiety. "Do you...wanna tell Thomas?" I asked. He nodded slightly. We popped up in our usual spots, looking all over for Thomas. He came down the stairs, almost tripping on Anxiety. "Oh, uh, what're you doing here?" He asked. "We're dating." I said with confidence. "Y-you...? Him...?" He stuttered. "Yep..." Anxiety answered. "Ahh! You two are sooo cute!" He squealed. "Uh...if you don't mind, we'd appreciate it if you didn't tell your fans..." Anxiety's voice trailed off. "Oh! No problem! It probably took a lot of confidence to just tell me! You told Logan and Patton, I assume?" He nodded once more. "Well, thanks for telling me! Is there anything else?" He asked. Thomas was immediately engulfed in a hug by Anxiety. He was taken aback by it, but hugged him back with love. Mutual love, mind you. It was adorable. "T-Thanks, Anx." He said with a heartfelt tone. "Now, c'mon, I think the best thing right now is a Disney movie?" I said. "YES." Thomas said with excitement. "Which one?" "Hercules." He said. "Ah, good choice." Anxiety chimed in. Oh, this is gonna be good.

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy i love this. have a good night/day/time.

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