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*Jessica's POV*

After running about a mile, I finally reached a bus stop. I took a few deep breaths before looking at the schedule. Well I guess my luck turned up. The bus should be here in about ten minutes. After waiting for what appeared to be an eternity the bus finally arrived.

"One dollar and fifty cents..." The bus driver demanded in a monotone voice after sliding the doors open.

I quickly dispensed the two dollars that I had and took my seat next to a mid-aged woman. She looked me up and down before grinning.

"Teenage run-away. I used to do the same thing all of the time when I was your age." I nodded, not really knowing how to respond to that. I glanced down at my stop watch, hoping that time would go just as fast as it did at school earlier. Unfortunately it did not. The next hour felt like years. But when the bus finally came to my halt, I couldn't have been happier. Well, as happy as I could be at the moment. Considering the situations. 

I frowned at the flashback of earlier. "Your father and I are getting a divorce"

The words repeated in my head like a broken record. I began to lightly hit my head saying stop as I did so.  

"Don't worry Jessica. As soon as you and Grandpa talk everything will be fine." I inhaled the cool, crisp air, slightly calming myself down. I walked down the steps of the bus taking in my surroundings. Was it 36th or 46th street? I walked down 36th seeing the little brick home still in place. 

It's been a while. I thought. 

I jogged down to the lovely home that holds so many memories. 


"Grandpa! Grandpa! Lookie Look at what I found!" My four year old self exclaimed as I held up the slimy creature known as the snail.

"Eww" he replied as he scrunched up his face playfully

"Why don't I take that and you go wash up for dinner?"

"Okay!" I skipped on down to the bathroom to go and wash my hands 

The flash backs kept coming back causing a smile to play on my lips. He always did know how to cheer me up. He was always there for me. 

I grinned even wider with each step I took towards the front door. I brought my balled fist up and lightly tapped on the wooden door.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

The door slowly opened, revealing my old fart of a grandpa. 


"It's me Gramps" He opened the door wide enough for me to come in. He ushered me through the door as he grinned. 

I embraced him, lucky to have him here with me.  "Grandpa we-we need to talk." I cried into his shoulder. Remembering what my mother had told me. 

"Of course. Of course. Come one and take a seat in the living room." I obeyed his order sitting with my hands folded upon my lap. He walked in about five minutes later with a steaming cup of tea. 

"Thank you grandpa." I gently took the tea, sipped it and set it on the coffee table in front of the old worn out couch. 

"Grandpa?" I slowly began

"Yes pumpkin?"

I straightened my shoulders and took in a steadying breath. "People at school are bullying me, more than usual and-

"One problem at a time sweet pea." He sat his own cup of tea on the table whilst standing up.

"Follow me." He ordered. I don't see why I didn't come here first. The images of Brandon cheating on me flooded my mind. I couldn't believe I was stupid enough to actually think that he cared about me. I was stuck in the abyss of my mind until I resurfaced. I ignored the thoughts that seemed to keep wanting to come back.

I did as told and followed him down the hallway; he finally stopped in front of a mirror , gripping my shoulders. 

"Look closely."

"What am I supposed to be seeing?" I questioned dumbfounded, squinting at mirror

"You see that beautiful girl in the mirror? She has wavy brown hair that everyone should desire. Stunning, ocean eyes; her olive skin is radiant, her eyelashes are voluminous. She is perfect. Do not believe what those people tell you. They are obviously blind."

I let the true meaning of his words sink in. He's right. He's always right. 

"Grandpa? " "M-My parents are getting a divorce."

"Don't let that bother you sweet pea. Just think. You'll have both, just not like you used to. "

"One last thing grandpa. Can I stay here with you for spring break? It started today."

He embraced me tightly, kissing my forehead. "As long as I've got a  home. You've got a home."

We talked for about an hour more before I decided to walk to the guest bedroom and unpack the clothes that I've brought. "Shirts here, shorts here, pants over there..." I trailed off beginning to feel sleep settling in. 

I wiped the sweat from my forehead whilst choosing my clothes. I stepped into the steaming water as it covered me in a blanket of warmth . I massaged my scalp with some head and shoulders. Then dove over my layer of skin. I turned off the tap and slid into my silk pajamas. 

"Good-night grandpa" I sang in a sing-song voice

"Good-night sweet pea" He yelled through the wall. The heaviness of my eyelids finally won the battle and darkness soon consumed me. 


*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I slammed the alarm clock whilst grumbling some profanities. 

"No Swearin' " my grandfather corrected, his thick, country accent lacing in through his sentence

"Sorry." I replied meekly becoming embarrassed at getting caught. I strode over to the kitchen to see grandpa Rick, starting to mix some pancake batter, oil and eggs.  

"Mornin' "

"Mornin' " I yawned 

"What are we going to do for spring break?"

"We're going  to have a blast!" 

I laughed as I hit him playfully on the arm. He was more like an uncle or  an older brother to me. He was always there when no one else was. He-

"Jessica?" He whispered waving a wrinkly hand in front of my face. "You're doing that zoning out thing again" He chuckled

 "Huh? Oh umm sorry."

"Chocolate chips?"

I nodded, feeling a grin playing on my lips. Again, l don't see why I didn't come here first. I grabbed a plate, loading it with pancakes. A great start to my spring break. I grinned even wider, If that was possible.

"So.... What are we going to do today?"

"That's a surprise."

I nodded in understanding. Grandpa Rick loved surprises and really loved surprising people. He loved to spoil them and make them feel that they mattered. Make them feel that they did have a purpose and that's why my grandmother fell in love with him. A frown formed on my face at the thought of the accident about three years ago. My fingertips found my neck, reaching for the locket. 

"Well let's go get ready!" Rick exclaimed.

I swear for an old, geezer he has more energy than me. 

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