Spring break

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*Jessica's POV* *Recap*

I nodded in understanding. Grandpa Rick loved surprises and really loved surprising people. He loved to spoil them and make them feel that they mattered. Make them feel that they did have purpose and that's why my grandmother fell in love with him. A frown formed on my face at the thought of the accident about three years ago. My fingertips found my neck, reaching for the locket. 

"Well let's go get ready!" Rick exclaimed; I swear for a geezer he has more energy than me. 

 *End of recap*

 I inhaled the food and chose my clothes for the day. Since my grandfather loves the outdoors, I must wear comfortable attire. I slipped into some white khakis and a light pink t-shirt.  

"I'm ready gramps!"

"Give me one moment!"

I laughed at how old he sounded. His voice was kind of raspy but still had that cheerful tone to it. Kind of weird if you ask me. Rick then walked into my room lightly knocking breaking me out of my thoughts. 

"Ready for an awesome surprise!" He exclaimed

"Sure am!" I chirped

He intertwined our hands and led me to his busted up, old-fashioned Volvo. We rode in silence to wherever it was that we were going. After about twenty minutes I squealed at the sight. 

"You know me so well gramps."

He gave a little nod "Indeed I do."

He exited the vehicle going to the back of the car to grab the fishing poles from the trunk. "You comin'?"

I nodded and inched out of the car. I snatched the pole from his grasp as I began running towards the crystal, clear lake. It was truly an amazing  sight. I brought the pole up whilst holding the button and cast the hook into the calming waters. 

(Ten minutes later)

*Tug* *Tug* 

A fish! Finally! I reeled in as fast as I could while tugging on the pole trying not to let the creature escape the grasp if the hook. After what seemed like years but could've only been a few minutes, the fish surfaced. I grinned at the rainbow trout. Proud that I caught tonight's dinner.  

"Way to go pumpkin!" My grandfather exclaimed he then pulled out his camera like he did every time we went fishing. "Say cheese!" He chirped right before a flash went off. I glanced at the new photo. 

I smiled and continued fishing. After about six fish later I was tired. But I still had to gut all of the fish and everything. 


The drive back home was in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence but a comfortable silence. Which seemed  to happen to us a lot during the drive back home from fishing. I didn't mind though. 

I admired the scenery of the surrounding woods surprised that I am starting to feel calm after everything that has happened. The car finally came to a stop causing me to be knocked back into reality. 

I fumbled to get the car door open.

"Everything okay sweet pea?" My grandfather questioned, concern flooding his eyes. I sent him a smile of assurance as we walked into his home. 

 *Rynn's POV* (Jessica's mother)

I looked every where I thought of for Jessica. She certainly cannot be at her fathers. I kicked him out and now he's at a hotel. She wouldn't know where he is. Maybe she's at Brandon's house? I called his mother and she verified that she wasnt't there. I walked downtown and called all of the friends that I knew of but none of them have seen her.

I became concerned and filed a missing person's report but it has only been 24 hours so she would not be considering missing until tomorrow.

"Darn these stupid policeman! Why can't they help me  find my daughter!" I felt tears of frustration sting my eyes.

I just hope she is alright. 

*Jessica's POV*

I automatically went to the backyard where the grill was located. I pulled out the fish and began to season it with lemon pepper and seasoning salt. Everything that was happening today was just so perfect. I can't believe that this was all I needed to go back to my normal self. 

After the trout was cooked we ate at the outside patio. Enjoying every bite. 

"Can everyday be like this grandpa?" I questioned hoping that he'd say yes. 

"If you want it to be. But you need to open your eyes."

"I know. I can still go to school but I mean; just move in with you and have fun like this all of the time."

He seemed uncomfortable but decided to get up after a while leaving me in a questioning state. 

He was never like this. Usually he was accepting of my decisions and never really said anything until I finished the whole story. I wonder what's wrong.

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