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"G-grandpa? W-Why are there news reporters and a white van?" I asked as my eyes finally settled on my mother. Standing there with glassy eyes. My heart broke at the sight, I hate seeing my mother this way.

"Look inside your pocket." He whispered

(End of recap)

I immediately pulled out the letters. My hands were shaking and my heart was thumping so hard I thought it would beat right out of my chest. Sweat trickled down my forehead. I wiped my sweaty palms onto my pants before opening the letter that would reveal everything. 

I fell to my knees after reading the letter. Tears slid  down my cheeks as my head began to pound. I felt dizzy.I regurgitated on the front lawn as I felt my whole world fall apart.

That wasn't a letter....

"It was his-his death certificate?" I sobbed not able to control my emotions."His d-death certificate?!" I began to yell completely losing my mind.

I turned around gazing at my grandpa; Rick. "Grandp-pa ?" I cried

"Yes sweet pea?" He questioned with concern filled eyes

Before I knew it I was being taken by big men dressed all in white. I struggled in their grip attempting to run back to my grandfather.

"You're not dead!" I exclaimed,, looking directly at him. 

"Grandpa! Don't let them take me away!" I screamed whilst kicking my feet wildly. I stopped for a second to look into my grandfathers eyes.

"Grandpa!" I cried stretching out the a. I then began kicking and screaming more so than before

I bit the bulky man that was carrying me but unfortunately it had no affect on him. In fact there were a lot of scars on his hairy arms.

They slapped handcuffs onto my wrist and sat me in the back seat. I continued to cry for my grandfather to come back but he never did. He just stood there watching me as the car I was settled in drove away.

After screaming and crying for what felt like an eternity I fell into a deep sleep. I don't know how long I was out. But when we arrived I knew I was no longer in the city of Lakewood. 


We finally arrived at a place with barb-wired fences and black gates. The clouds were dark and ominous, looming above us whilst mocking the clouds of rain. 

 "I'm scared" I whispered under my breath "So very scared" I wrapped my self into a feeble position attempting to calm myself; closing my eyes and counting. Only to fail miserably. 

"Rise and shine." A deep, gruff voice said as a man opened the car door 

I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. Short cut grass, scattered trees and benches with people in white clothing occupying them. I put my hand into my pocket and pulled out my pocket watch. 6:27pm I shall remember that. 

*Rynns POV* (Before Jessica arriving)

"I had to" I whispered to myself as I got into my car and followed the pick-up van. She was a danger to herself and to others. I didn't know she had this disease. I let the tears of frustration fall down my cheeks. How could I have not seen the symptoms? The dizziness, not eating and the nightmares. How could I have not seen her symptoms of Ghost disease? 

My dear baby, I almost cried. But stopped. This is to help her. She will no longer have to be this way. She shall be helped. I thought as I wiped a few tears away. Just then the van came to a stop and Jessica was pulled out. She was still wearing her grandfathers clothes and a wig. Still holding onto the pocket-watch that he always carried around. 

*Jessica's POV* 

"Welcome to PentonVille" I whispered to my self slightly rocking myself. "Welcome to PentonVille" I repeated with a laugh. 


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