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*Rynn's POV* 

Another day has passed and I finally was able to go to the police station and file a missing person's report. I don't think that I have ever been so scared in my life. 

I quickly jotted down all of her information and gave them her most recent pictures. Hope-full she'll come back soon. I made a quick prayer that they'll find my daughter and was off.

I drove around for hours looking everywhere that I thought she could be but came to a conclusion that she was no longer in the area.

I then decided to call her but she didn't answer. I called repeatedly hoping that she'd pick up. 

*Jessica's POV* 

Another day has passed and I couldn't have been happier. Except I am now concerned about my grandfather. He has been acting a little out of the ordinary. I wonder what's wrong. Just then my cell phone rang. 

"Hello?" I questioned, taking it off of the charger. It has been dead for quite some  time and I left it at home so no one could bother me. Well not my home, at least not yet. 

"Jessica? Where are you?" A voice asked. After a second of recognizing that voice my mind went blank with what to say. To my mother. 

"I'm fine, no need to worry about me mom."

"Just tell me where you're at." She demanded making me feel kind of scared. 

"Fine" I sighed 

"I'm at grandpa's" I stated in an exasperated tone. 


"I'm fine mom! I just want to be left alone.." I trailed off finally hanging up 

*Rynn's POV* 

As soon as she said those words my face went pale and my breathing went heavy. It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. 

She is not supposed to be over there. 

What am I supposed to do? 

I contacted her father letting him know what was going on. 

Why is she even over there? 

*Jessica's POV*

I angrily hung up the phone. Lightly throwing the cellular device onto the guest bed. 

"I just want to be alone today.." I groaned

"Sweet pea?" My grandfather knocked on my door causing me to jump. 

"Y-Yeah?" I stuttered still quite jittery. You know from talking to my mother.. I still can't believe her and my father are getting a divorce. 

"Are you okay?" He questioned knocking me out of my thoughts.Which I was glad for. I simply made a mhm sound.


After the whole incident with my mother calling me I decided to take a short nap. This should help me take my mind off of things for a while. I thought before my eyes closed and darkness embraced me. 

Almost every day of the week was like this. Filled with laughs and fishing with my grandfather. We held snail races, made necklaces and cracked a few jokes around the campfire when we went into the woods. 

Best week of my life. My mother let me stay for some odd reason, I wanted to ask her why but I couldn't bring myself to talk her at the moment. It was just too overwhelming. 

*Ring* *Ring*

"I'll get it sweet pea!" My grandfather hollered from downstairs 

I was humming "Addicted to you" by Advicii when I got bored. I, being my curious self decided to go into the attic and see what memories I could find. I love looking through my memories, a brings a smile to my face no matter how 'down-in-the dumps' I'm feeling.  

There lying in the corner was a cardboard box that was never there before. I inched towards the item, unsure of what would happen if I were to open it. My finger tips grazed the tape that held the top together. 

I grabbed my pocket knife and made a slit; ripping the tape off was a big mistake. Dust flew everywhere causing me to sneeze like a maniac. I dropped my pocket knife and it fell under a loose floor board.

"Sweet pea!" My grandfather yelled; but at the moment I was too curious to care thus being the reason I didn't answer. 

I finally opened the box only to come face to face with an orange envelope. What it is in it? What would happen if I opened it? Why would there only be an envelope inside the box and nothing else? 

The questions consumed my mind leaving me at stage one. I have to open this. I thought before tearing the envelope open. 

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