Chapter 6

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"Oh my god no!" i gasp as i wake up in a unfamiliar bed staring at Caleb.

"What's wrong?" he asks as he wakes from his sleep.

"We... We slept together!"

"I didn't think you were a virgin" he chuckles

"I'm not"

"So what's the big deal?!"

"You are dating Hanna, and Hanna is my bestfriend"

"We aren't dating" he mumbles


"We broke up"



"But at Ali's house she was talking about how you guys are doing great"

"I guess she didn't want to tell you guys?" he shrugs

"So you guys aren't together?"


"What happened?"

"Hanna ans i just fell out recently. She doesn't like me being here to help my cousin who is going through many things."

"I'm sorry" i say to him before pressing my lips to his.


"When is Caleb coming back?"

"Soon i guess" i mumble

"What's wrong? You guys are still ok right?" Aria asks as we sit in the brew

"Yea we are fine, i just don't like him being there with her alone"

"Why? They are just cousins"

"she told him shes likes him. So"

"Oh" Emily gasps and i nod

"I honestly just miss him" i sigh.

I can't wait for him to come


Just a filler to show u they didn't break uo

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