Chapter 24

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I see switches that say 'yes' 'no' 'maybe' and 'I don't know' in front of me on the table.

"Answer the questions correctly skip shock treatment" the voice says

Shouldn't be hard.

"Did you kill Alison?"

"No" I say before flicking the 'no switch'

"What the fuck that was honest!" I yell after being shocked,

"I'll repeat the question. Did you, Spencer Hastings kill me, Alison Dilaurentis ?" Alison's voice comes clear.

Did I?

I don't know

I don't know the truth anymore.

Help. That's all I can ask for

"I....i think so" mumble.

"Don't tell me. Flick the switch" the voice tells me

I slowly put my hand over the 'yes switch'

A flashback of that night fills my mind.

I see myself standing over Ali's dead body, her blood all over me with a evil smirk on my lips.

I quickly pull the switch down.

It was me.

The whole time.

"I'm a monster" i mumble to myself.


"I don't know why i didn't realize this before" Veronica says as she enters the cabin.

"What?" i ask

"Darren is Paige's Father."

"What?" i gasp

"Yes. I remember"

"Darren and Zack killed Alison for bullying her. And Spencer was punished for not stopping Alison"

"Wow" Veronica sighs

"Do you think maybe they could be in touch with Paige or her mom?"

"I don't know"

"But i would" Caleb says as he enters the cabin.

"What are you doing here?"

"I had the same idea mrs. Hastings had so i got into Paige's server. She is talking to Zack. I was able to get cordinants that's where they are"

"Really?!" Veronica and i gasp

"Yes" he nods

"Noel, call everyone. We know Where spencer is!" i yell.


I sit in my room staring at the wall.

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