Chapter 15

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I sit on my bed thinking.

How could I let Toby go down for this? He did nothing.

That stupid idiot from the store, he did this. He should be the one suffering.

And the thing about the finger prints is weird. I mean yes Toby's would've been on there before the girls but so would mine, Alison's and Noel's. So it's like they wanted to pin it on Toby.

But the guy would need inside help to do it.


"Who are you?" A cop asks

"Spencer Hastings. Toby Cavanaugh's girlfriend"

"You can't see him right now, he's being processed"

"Processed? He's getting arrested!?"

"Yes he is"

Flashback ends

It's him.

His voice, his eyes.

The other guy from that night.

How the hell did he become a cop?!

"You ok?" Noel asks when he enters my room

"No... Especially now that I know you and Toby won't be safe,"

"What do you mean?" He asks as he sits beside me

I sigh "that cop....he was the other guy from that night"

"You're kidding?!"

"No, I remember his voice, eyes and hands." I mumble "and if I'm thinking correctly he and the other guy are going to frame you two for her death"

"I'm going to kill them!" He yells as he jumps up

"You can't....and I....I think it's time we tell the others" I say and he slowly nods

We walk into the living room

"Guys....we have to tell you something"



"I just can't believe Toby did this. He was so sweet, and I let him in my house. I trusted him and he's this beast. Is this why Spencer is all crazy like this?" Mrs. D cries to me and the girls

"Mrs. D I think there is some kind of mistake, Toby couldn't have done this" Emily defends

"Please Emily, they arrested him, the first arrest they made since Alison was killed, that means there must be lots of evidence"

"I agree with Emily Mrs.D, I think Toby is innocent"

"How could you possibly say that? After what he did to Ali" she sobs

"I think you guys should go" Jason says as he stands up to comfort his mom.

"I'm sorry about this, but I don't think Toby is responsible"


After we got to Spencer's she explained everything that happened.

I honestly feel so bad that I got so mad at her for all this.


"I have to do something"

"What can you do?"

"Tell the truth"

"I have to say I agree with everyone here spence, you could make things worse if you talk" Tif nods

"I agree" Zac, Josh and James add

"I need to clear my head" I say before heading out.

I get into my car and drive.

I want to drive right to the police station but with that guy on the police force I'm not safe,

I, sure they remember who I am.

It terrifies me, knowing how freely they walk around knowing what they did.

"Great!" I groan when my car runs out if gas.

I put on my phone the nearest gas station which isn't for miles.

I start walking in the direction.

About a hour later I feel like I'm being followed.

Just then I hear a car door close.

My heart beat picks up and I want to disappear.

I pick up my pace and walk quickly to turn the corner only to be stopped by the guy from the store.

"Where you off too?" He asks, a smirk on his lips

" ran out of gas...I-I need to get more, excuse me" I mumble before backing up only to walk into the cop.

"Come on Spencer, don't go so soon" he smirks

"What do you want?"

"Just to remind you to keep your mouth shut" the cop says as he grabs my arms

The other guy comes behind me and presses a gun to my back

"Please just let me go" I cry

"If you do as much as tell any of your friends about what happened that night, you can say goodbye to everything you've ever loved" the shop guy spits as he digs the gun in ,y back

"I won't say anything if you promise to do something and make Toby go free. We all know he's innocent"

"You don't call the shots!" The cop yell as he puts his hands firmly around my neck.

I gasp for air.

"You have a choice. You stay quiet and we let your two guy friends take the fall for this, or you tell the truth and get worse then losing those two idiots" they laugh

The tears pour down more, I don't want to have to chose

"What did I ever do to you guys to deserve this?" I manage to get out.

"You let that bitch bully everyone and never stopped her, for that you deserve to be punished!" The cop yells as he lets go do my neck.

The store guy pushes me and I stumble on the road.

"Glad we agree" they wink before getting into their car and driving away.

After sitting there for a while I finally get up and call Aria.

She comes with me to get gas and we head back to my car,

"Can you please tell me what happened?"

"For the last time Aria, I don't want to talk. Can I just please stay with you?"

"Yea sure" she nods

I limp into my car and follow her back to her house.

My back feels bruised from how hard the gun was in my back and my neck feels like it's going to close at any moment.

My ankles, butt and back feels broken from being thrown.

I lay in arias bed and just cry out as she is downstairs with her parents he long with dinner.

Why has my life come to this?!



Probably trash but I needed to update

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