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veronica.lodge has added bettyboop, shithead, archiekins and kevin.killer to "OH MY GOD YOU GUYS"

veronica.lodge: GUYS

veronica.lodge: oh my god guys answer seirously

veronica.lodge: when jughead makes a gc to send a picture of a dog you guys answer in .2 seconds but when your friend is in CRISIS you take hourrrsss?

shithead: Veronica, it's been 2 minutes.

shithead: also, *seriously

veronica.lodge: living up to the username, i see

bettyboop: Sorry, Ronnie. I was finishing up some work for the Blue & Gold. What's up?

kevin.killer: i was texting moose but i guess if this is a legitimate emergency then ill stick around here

veronica.lodge: it is an ABSOLUTE emergency. where the hell is archibald???

archiekins: hey hey, i'm like five minutes late no need to bust out the birthname

veronica.lodge: okay, so now that we're all here.

veronica.lodge: okay well last night i slept over at cheryl's right? cause of the memorial and everything?

kevin.killer: yes, although i stand by the opinion that that was a terrible idea. she's satan.

bettyboop: Kev, be nice.

veronica.lodge: okay, well, first of all her family is SERIOUSLY messed up. like, i'm starting to understand why she's such a bitch all the time. but, ANYWAY, we were talking and having a heart to heart and stuff

kevin.killer: thats impossible ron, cheryl has no heart

veronica.lodge: kevin if you don't shut up i s2g

veronica.lodge: aaanyway, we were talking and i think we almost kissed???

veronica.lodge: no, i'm sure we almost kissed. like, that was a moment.

archiekins: WHAT? :0

shithead: Know a Fence, Veronica, but I literally care like -100%

veronica.lodge: ShTU the FCUK up HUJEAD i am freaKIGN OUT

bettyboop: Jug, stop being mean.

bettyboop: Well, just tell her you don't like her like that? idk...

archiekins: i didnt kno cheryl was a lesbian

kevin.killer: archie...

bettyboop: honey...

shithead: bro even i knew that one

veronica.lodge: well idk if i do like her like that

archiekins: ARE YOU A LESBIAN TOO?

archiekins: my whole life has been a lie

veronica.lodge: i'm not a lesbian

veronica.lodge: i'm bisexual

bettyboop: what

kevin.killer: what

archiekins: what

shithead: Hey Macklemore can we go thrift shopping?

shithead: HA sorry I had to

veronica.lodge has kicked shithead out of the chat

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