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veronica.lodge has changed the chat name to "SHE SHOOTS! SHE SCORES!"

veronica.lodge: ya girl has an update

betty.boop: Finally! I've been waiting all night to hear from you.

archiekins: why are we waiting to hear frm veronica

kevin.killer: bc she had another sleepover with cheryl last night

kevin.killer: like the last one where they almost kissed but gayer

shithead: Noah Friends but I still don't actually care

veronica.lodge: fine

veronica.lodge has kicked shithead out of the chat

archiekins: ron we've talked abt this

veronica.lodge: he didn't even want to BE here!!!

archiekins: he just says that, u kno deep down he cares

archiekins: he just texted me and asked me to add him back

veronica.lodge: aww i'm lowkey touched, okay, add him back

archiekins has added shithead to the chat

shithead: Hey guys and gays I'm back and this time I'm willing to behave :)

veronica.lodge: anyway, as i was saying before i was so RUDELY interrupted

veronica.lodge: so yall know cheryl slept over last night and my mom was out

veronica.lodge: so i made her dinner

betty.boop: Ronnie you can cook?

veronica.lodge: yea im alright

veronica.lodge: bt yeah i made her dinner and then we went up to my room and i told her how i've been feeling lately

betty.boop: AND???

veronica.lodge: and she said that she feels the same way since we did that performance the night of the pep rally and she had that breakdown !!!

kevin.killer: YAS!!! Move over, Bughead, Riverdale has a new power couple.

kevin.killer: ya'll should run for prom court

veronica.lodge: im a sophomore

kevin.killer: you'd still win, tbh

shithead: Betty and I are still cuter than you guys.

veronica.lodge: no

kevin.killer: no

betty.boop: Sorry, Babe, but no.

shithead: I guess Archie is the only one I can count on...

archiekins: no.

shithead: Et tu, Brute?

kevin.killer: wait so u guys confessed ur undying love for each other and then she slept over?

kevin.killer: IN YOUR BED?

veronica.lodge: yes.

betty.boop: OMG RONNIE !!!

veronica.lodge: omg you guys it wasn't like that

veronica.lodge: we just talked

veronica.lodge: until like 2am

veronica.lodge: and cuddled

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