Chapter 5

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     Last night was brutal. After Nathan left me on the floor crying for hours, he came back and stood me up by my hair and grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the bedroom where he practically raped me.
      I wake up going to the bathroom, looking in the mirror seeing puffy eyes and an almost bruised face.
      I cover them up with lots of makeup and go out to the bathroom seeing Nathan sitting up facing my direction.
"Good morning beautiful," he says with a smile.
I answer quietly, "Goodmorning."
"Speak louder, I can't hear you!"
"Good morning," I say louder.
"How was your sleep?"
"Good," I say while shaking really hard.
       Nathan comes behind me and massages my shoulders, "Baby, relax. I'm not gonna hurt you."
      I relax a bit but still scared out my mind. I never knew this would come back. Why?
     Nathan turns me to face him and he kisses me. It's passionate, but I feel like the passion went away years ago.
      Jon and I just got done shooting, so we're just hanging out at a coffee shop.
"So, how are you?"
"I'm fine."
"What's that under your eye?" He asks looking at it.
"Oh, it's just a small bruise."
"I've seen bruises before and that thing ain't small, it's huge. Who did it?"
"I just fell."
"That's the bullshit I barely fall for. Who hit you?"
      I get frightened again after hearing Jon raise his voice a little. Jon's anger changed to sadness.
"Kayla look. I don't wanna scare you. I just can't take not being trusted. Plus I don't want my friend to be hurt when she deserves to be happy and laughing."
       I sneak in a slight smile, "You really mean that?"
"Of course I do, you're the best person I've ever hung out with."
      A moment of silence approaches, then I speak up, "Thanks Jon."
"Anytime. And if you need me, just hit me up and I'll be there."
       We stand up, turning to leave out, but stop for a hug.
      I arrive back to my hotel room seeing Nathan in a towel looking like he just got out.
"Hey babe," I say, smiling.
"Hey...." He stood smiling and starts smelling me, "What's cologne doing on you and I know damn well it's not mine."
"I was with Jon and we hugged."
      He gets furious, not mad, but straight to furious, "Jon again! Are you trying to cheat on me?!"
"No, why would I do that. Jon and I are just friends."
"Is it because he's taller than me and has a better job than me?! Is that what it is?"
     He firmly grabs my wrist, "Nathan, stop, what the hell are you doing?"
     Still furious, he lets go and lightens up a bit, "Am I not enough for you? Do I make you unhappy?"
     He starts tearing up.
"Nathan, I can never be mad at you baby. I'm not going anywhere."
"Prove it. Stop talking to Jon."
"Ok, what?!"
"Avoid Jon and we'll be ok."
      I get silent.
"Kayla! Did you hear me?! I said don't ever talk to Jon ever again!" He demands.
      I start balling my eyes out and Nathan hugs me.
Updated this story and The Lunatic and The Hardcore Badass. Plus I'm changing Nathan's look a bit. Instead of Logan Lerman, it's now Dylan O'Brien, everything else is the same.

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