Halloween (Dave x reader)

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You couldn't believe it. Dave had fallen asleep during the Babadook. His head lolled back and his breathing was slow. He snored a little. Ever so slowly, his body was beginning to slump over. You turned off the tv just as he completely fell over, his head on your lap.

As gently as you could, your removed his shades and set them on the side table. You stroked his hair absently. You wondered if he wanted to trick-or-treat this year. Or was he going to say that he was too cool for it again and spend the rest of the night staring down at the people on the street with envy AGAIN?

You supposed Dave tried too hard to be cool sometimes. He could completely miss out on the most fun things you did and later you would hear the wistfulness in his voice.

As you stroked his hair, his hand twitched. Before you could do anything, he rolled over and fell off the couch with a yelp. He sat up and looked around.

"I meant to do that." he said bluntly.

"Sure, sweetie." You turned and lay yourself down, closing your eyes and sighing in comfort. You heard Dave get up and felt him crawl on top of you. He was so warm, it was wonderful. Then you felt him lay his face in your chest.

"Dave," you said, a warning in your tone. He chuckled.

"You make an awesome pillow." But he shifted and repositioned his cheek on your collar bone, snuggling into you. You were cozy in your sweater, all fluffy and oversized with Dave cuddling you.



"Do you want to go trick-or-treating this year?"

"Nah. Too cool for that shit."

"Dave. Free candy. Why the hell are you saying no to that?"

"It's for little kids."

"Ever heard of being young at heart?"

"(Name), no. Nothing's stopping you from going, but me? The call of the cool draws me to the Xbox tonight."

"Aw, but it's no fun alone!" you burrowed deeper into your sweater, hoping he wouldn't see your expression as the fluffy fabric covered your face. You tried to be lighthearted about it, but it was really rather saddening that he didn't want to go with you, his girlfriend of all people. You realized you felt tears pricking your eyes.

'I am not going to pull the tears,' you thought to yourself. 'I am not going to cry. You don't fucking cry over something like this, (Name). Don't be a fucking crybaby.'

You managed to stay the tears, but you unconsciously sniffled. You felt Dave shift and the sweater was pulled down to your eyes. They must've still been a little teary because Dave's brows raised in surprise.

"Oh shit, you're actually crying?"

You sat up, gently pushing Dave off, and rubbed at your eyes.

"'m not crying."

"Mm-hm, 'cause your eyes can totally pick up Mrs. Wilcox cutting onions all the way downstairs."

"I just don't-..." you sighed in exasperation. "Never mind. I think I'll go to bed early. Good night."

You got up and left quickly, leaving a surprised Dave alone on the couch.


You curled up in bed, trying not to think about Dave's aversion to doing anything that related to childish fun.

You remembered last winter, it had snowed. IN TEXAS. Kids had been running around outside excitedly while you heard the adults having serious conversations about the world ending. You had run outside immediately and wanted to have snowball fights with Dave, build snow people together, make snow angels together, all the great stuff that comes with snowfall. But Dave had refused to come out of the apartment at all. You supposed it might have also had to do with the fact that he was sensitive to the cold, but his reasoning was that snow was meant to be fun for little kids and annoyances for adults, while people who were actually cool didn't care about it. When you asked him if that meant that you were a snot-nosed little brat, he quickly apologized, but the unintentional insult still stung.

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