Chapter 1 |I can't Believe this guy!|

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Lance's POV

Keith wasn't talking to me

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Keith wasn't talking to me. I know that's normal for something that hates me but it seemed off. He didn't make an effort with his appearance, didn't swim or train. He didn't even talk to Shiro anymore.

Space dad was worried. Every time we got the chance to speak to him, we would. He'd just brush us off like useless children in a war.

Deep bags started to appear under his eyes and his body started to get more fragile and paler. It was more worrying than my vocabulary.

One time I saw Keith actually training, however, when I walked in he dismissed the program and walked right out. Our shoulders brushes and he pushed me away when I tried speaking to him.

Ah, my emo boy.

Shiro was now on the verge of barging into his room but Pidge said that wouldn't help. I tapped my foot nervously when we got this news and I walked around, gripping my hair in frustration.

One time I court him of guard though.


I was strolling down, humming some meme I had found earlier when I opened my eyes to see, none other than Keith. He looked distracted, his dark eyes focused on the floor.

"Hey buddy."

"Lance." Keith nodded his head in acknowledgment. I paused my steps and stood in front of him. Keith frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes were deadly serious.

"Dude, we're worried about you. Talk to us."

Studying me with them beautiful eyes, he shook his head, "I'm fine."
"Bull crap."

He started to walk forward, obviously annoyed and slightly angry. I put my hand on his chest to stop his from going passed, "talk to me..."

His eyes flashed with sadness for a second before returning to his dead ones, "I'm fine, Lance. Stop worrying yourself."

Still not believing him, I pushed him back lightly. Heck, he was light. The push shouldn't even have fazed him but for some reason he stumbled, "what the hell, Lance!"

"It wasn't even a hard push..." I mumbled, I noticed he clutched the spot I touched him. He looked so exhausted, "move."

I couldn't help but let out a whimper. He looked so sad. So... Helpless. (LOOK INTO UR EYES AND THE SK-).

  Keith barged passed me with new strength and stumbled onwards.

-End of flashback-

Currently, I was sitting down in the dining hall. I was eating some food that Hunk had whipped up and it was amazingly good. Especially for him.

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