Chapter 6 |Fml|

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Keith's POV

AYY new cover. Opinions. ((Also I don't know who the art was by bcs I literally typed up 'sad Keith Voltron' and that popped up)).

I had to wake Lance up

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I had to wake Lance up. Shiro was busy talking to Allura, Hunk was making breakfast and Pidge was seeing if she could reserve the saliva to somehow make it do our favour.

My made my way over to the ruby red tent and unzipped it.

There lied a half naked Lance, with a sleep mask on. He forgot to put on a face mask however. Lance's soft snore filled the small tent.

I sighed and walked over to him, he was muttering but I didn't pay that any attention.

"Hey... Wake up..." I shook him lightly. He didn't stir and his muttering became more quick.

I picked up 'Keith' and 'shut up' before he let out a moan and rolling over.

"Lance." I tried to ignore the fact he was dreaming of me. Me. Out of everyone, it was me. I breathed in and out, trying not to stare and I lightly tugged at him, "wake. Up."

He moaned and turned over again, "Keith....."

I blushed but didn't pay attention to that at that time. I didn't pay attention to the fact he was moaning my name.

"Lance, wake up." I shook him more violently and suddenly sat up, pulling of his sleeping mask and wiping away the sweat that caked his forehead.

"K-Keith. Uh- what are you doing here?" Lance asked, obviously hiding something. He pulled the blanket over him.

"I came to wake you up. Get up, Hunk's making breakfast."

"Are you ok?"

I'm fine.

"No." The saliva. Damn it! I stood up and started to leave. It started to affect me.

"Wait- wait, Keith!"

I did. I couldn't help it. I wanted to leave but my legs glued down on the spot.

"Let me go."

"I'm not forcing you to stay here." Lance said, standing.
"Yeah you are. Make me leave."

Lance smirked and placed his head on my shoulder, "but why would I do that?" My face flushed and I glared at him, "s-stop it."

I'm Fine (Klance) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now