Chapter 3 |can you feel the love tonight? (That's not appropriate.)|

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Lance's POV

I was casually jamming out - quietly as the others don't want cotton eyed Jo stuck in their heads- when I noticed Keith's lion slowing

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I was casually jamming out - quietly as the others don't want cotton eyed Jo stuck in their heads- when I noticed Keith's lion slowing.

I immediately asked him if he was ok and Pidge did the same. He didn't reply for a few seconds before we were greeted with the weak voice of the said boy, "pass.... Out... Ah..."

Ok, I know it's bad, but him moaning that into my ears gave me the shivers.

Then the red lion stopped all together and started to float.

  Shiro's low voice then shouted, "someone get the red lion!"

Out of instinct, I said something like 'on it' before grabbing his lion with my own. Shiro got his lion close and went outside, using his jet pack to boost over to The red lion.

  "It won't open. Pidge, could you somehow overwrite the system to get him out?"

  "I could but that might give my own Lion a virus. I suggest we guide his lion back to this planet and await for him to wake up." Pidge said causally.

  "What if he doesn't wake up!?" I yelled, my lion repositioning Keith's so it was easier to hold.

Shiro hesitantly and reluctantly left the red lion and went into his own. We slowly guided his lion onto the planet.

  Then, a pained moan escaped Keith's lips, filling all our ears with it. I felt my self shiver again and yelp. I also then froze up and felt something nag inside of me.

  "Keith...? Are you awake?"

No reply.  His lion then woke up and pulled away from me, shaking me off.

It was on auto pilot. Luckily, it seemed to know heat we were doing and started to zoom towards the planet.

We all followed, unsure if Keith was ok. Tension built in the air. It made it difficult to breath. Or that might just be me having a panic attack. But that's besides the point. We went on for about a minute until we landed.

The place was like earth, apart from the fact it had no cities or towns. All trees, ferns, water. I ran out of my lion, sprinting over to Keith's lion.

"Hey Red, Keith is in danger. I need you to open up." Red didn't respond for second before I heard a deafening click. His mouth opened.

I was greeted with a now messy room. Keith was slumped on the chair, head lolled onto his chest. His mullet hair was messy from being in space.

He was paler. If even possible. I made my way up, "Keith! Keith! Buddy! Are you ok?" By the time I said the last sentence I had made my way inside. I took of his seat belt and he immediately slumped forward. I caught him and sat him up right.

I felt his pulse.

BA Bump......... BA Bump.....

His heart was beating. It was strong just slow. I lifted him up in a firefighter like way and his limp arm swung around, weakly hitting my back.

Hunk was the first one of his lion followed by a concerned looking Shiro, then a worried looking Pidge.

I got out, "he's alive. He's ok. His pulse is ok. Can we set up a camp?"

Pidge nodded and we left to go find an appropriate place to stay. I'm not one of them people that love camping. I like it, sure, but the comfort of my own bed made me feel safe.

My bed. The one at earth.

Realising I might start crying if I carried on like that, I concentrated on the present. Every step made on of Keith's arms hit my back. I felt my self blush, I was so close next to Keith. I was actually touching him!

Pidge had this cool device where it only took seconds to make a camp. One button then woosh. Camp.

I placed Keith down in the biggest tent (that's also black, suiting for his emo-ish-ness-) and Pidge came in, "Lance, I'm gonna check what made him pass out. For all we know he could be ill."

I nodded gravely and sat outside, rocking and and forth lightly. I didn't notice someone sitting next to me.

  "You ok?" I look up and it's Hunk.
  "Yeah... I'm fine... Thanks..."

  "Do you want to sleep in my tent?"

I had nightmares. Not going to lie. I felt unsafe and insecure when it happens so I sometimes sleep with Hunk. And yes, it's sleep sleep. Nothing weird. He would just calm me down to prevent panic attacks. Sometimes I even wore his clothes to make it feel like I was more... Safe. He would hug me most of the time, reminding me I wasn't alone. I felt alone. Always did.

I realised I hadn't answered, "honestly. I don't know. I might sleep with Keith."

For a second I let that sink in before I realised my bad choice of words, "I mean sleep sleep. Not that 'sleep'. I promise I won't- I will actually, physically go to sleep. Not- y'know-"

Hunk shook his head, not understanding. He was too innocent.

After that happened, Pidge strolled out and spotted me. She walked over to me and said, "he'll be fine. He just passed out from exhaustion.

I allowed my breathing to continue.

"Good... Can I see him?"
  "I mean, sure. Just don't wake him up, Lance." She sighed and sat down next to Hunk.

I got up and half ran half walked over to Keith's tent. I entered it and lied my eyes on him.

I'm not some weird Edward Cullen that watches people sleep- however, you have to realise that he was adorable when he was sleeping.

His mouth was slightly open, letting out the softest of breaths. His bangs were in his eyes, but of course that didn't bother him. He lied on his back, arm on stomach and now he was covered in a blanket.

He looked so calm. So peaceful. For once.

Taking my time, I placed myself down near Keith.  And before I knew it, I was asleep too.

(Boop beep snoop snob

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(Boop beep snoop snob.)

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