Chapter 7 |dishonour on you! Dishonour on your family!

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Lance's POV

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I could make him do anything I wanted. I could make him tell me anything I wanted. I could make him do... Anything. Woah. Kinky.

I was not prepared for this, "Keith."
"Yeah." He said in a grumpy tone, as he was hugging me. It made me feel warm inside as his breaths tickled my neck.
"What's your honest opinion on Galra." Honestly, I was going to ask him something else but I couldn't bring myself up to do it.

Keith froze at them words but didn't say anything for a few seconds, "uh-I-I think they're not all bad. But they can be..." He said, trying to make it simple. I rolled my eyes slightly.

I raised an eyebrow and pulled away from our embrace, but he didn't, "I can't go unless you tell me to."

  "You can let go n-"
Keith immediately pulls away from the hug, glaring daggers at me.
  "Why did you do that? You know I don't like touching..." He mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows with a dead inside look. (Same. I'm dead inside.)

  "It was awkward if you didn't hug back."
  "I pulled away!" Keith shouted, standing up, "I know I'm over reacting, I know that. But, don't make me touch you! Or don't touch me!" I rubbed my temples angrily, "why can't I just hug you?"

  "I just don't like getting touched!"
"I-" Keith puts his hand over his mouth to stop himself from talking, "stop!"
  "No, now answer me." I know I should have stopped, but curiosity beat me to it. He rubbed his head and continues to cover his mouth, he was shaking.

  "I'm sorry, you can go...."

Keith stood up and ran away.



Pidge sighed and rubbed her hands over her face while Shiro looked like he could kill someone. Hunk just ignored us bickering and continues to eat his taco-like food. He looked up and studied is while chewing his space food.

  "OH YEAH, WELL! UH-" I couldn't think of anything to say, "SHUT UP!"

Keith shut his mouth. He looked super mad and wanted to carry on but he didn't. Ha, I could do this all day. He raised his hand and showed me the middle finger which made me fake gasp. I put a hand on my head dramatically, "oh no, dear lord how will I fix this! Oh no, he has offended me! Ow!" I said in a posh voice.

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