Chapter 12 |And I waited|

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Keith's POV

Keith's POV

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"Ow..." I coughed. And I coughed. And I coughed. It felt like I was dying. Darkness swirled around me. What? What...?

"I see he is awake." I heard a gruff voice say. I shivered and opened my eyes.

I was locked onto a chair. It wasn't comfortable. It was definitely metal.

I tried to move but everything was strapped to the table. I groaned in pain.

There was a faint figure in front of me however, I couldn't see. My vision was too blurry.


A little orb of dark purple light formed in front of me.

"I am going to ask you questions. I will know if you're lying."


Lance's POV {They are back on the ship now after packing away their tents by the way.}

We couldn't save him. I couldn't save him. It was my fault. My fault. Damn it.

Pidge was studying the base he was in, trying to find a way to get back in. They had closed the way we had previously got into.

I was panicking.

I could barely breath.

I was barely eating.

I was barely sleeping.

And when I did sleep, I'd cry myself into the realm of night terrors. I felt like I was suffocating all the time. Each breath was more painful as the last.

I had to take an inhaler. Strangely, it actually helped. I don't have asthma of anything, just major anxiety. Of course this triggered it. At night, Hunk had to stay with me to make sure I actually got to sleep. Most of the time I would just pretend to be asleep.

I was worried to death about Keith. He could be getting tortured right now and all I was doing was laying down.

If some how I actually got to sleep, I would have the most realistic night terrors about Keith. I remember waking up in the arms of Hunk, who was telling me to calm down. Of course I had started sobbing in my sleep and fighting not real threats. Hunk was the most concerned (along with Space dad). Luckily, the attention didn't last as we turned it to Keith.

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