Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter 34: Christmas Day Fun

Seolhyun's P.O.V•

Today is December 23 and we have an award show to attend to and also today is our comeback with our new song "Winter Snow". Oh and the Proposal of JB oppa went viral they are getting married at the end of their contract in We Got Married.

"Yah! Seolhyun-ah!" Jandi unnie call me. I snap out of my thoughts and look at her.

"Ne?" I ask her. She smile at me.

"Nothing, you're just so serious there, looking outside the window." She tell me and we just laugh. We are inside of our van, going to the venue. Due to our busy schedules, Sohyeon and Sehun can't come back to their mother in England. I believe that Sehun and Sohyeon are now moving on. Its hard to lose a very important person in your life. Trust me, I know the feeling.

"Yah! Seolhyun unnie! We're here!" I hear Hyerin shouts at me and I immediately get off the van.

"What are you even thinking Seolhyun?" Aera unnie ask me. I just smile at her and shake my head. We got inside our dressing room and see that we are roommates with Girl's Generation unnies.

"Hey HERA! Nice to see and talk to you again." Yoona unnie greet us and hug us one by one. The rest did it too.

"We are very delighted to see and talk to you again unnies." Jandi unnie tell them and they laugh.

"No need to be formal with us, girls." Sunny unnie tell us.

"Just think that we are you're ordinary unnies." Taeyeon unnie tell us and smile at us. We smile back at them and nod.

"Aweee... Is our little Angel still sleepy?" We hear Seohyun unnie cooed and ask Angel. We see Angel laying on the sofa. We just laugh at her. Angel is the most tired at us. She has the most pack schedule. She have many special stages and collaborations. Aigooo! Our Angel is really popular. Suddenly one of our unnies or staffs come in.

"Where's Angel?" She ask us. We all point at Angel who is laying on the sofa. Angel suddenly sit up. Why is she still beautiful even though she's very sleepy?

"Mwo? What is it?" She ask unnie. She laugh when she see Angel, still with eyes close.

"We need to get you ready for your collaboration." She said and Angel's eyes open wide at that.

"OMONA! You're right unnie. Mianhe." She said and quickly stand up to follow unnie. Oh about that collaboration... She have a special stage collaboration with GOT7's JB with the song Troublemaker by: Troublemaker. Yup! That's a sexy dance and with her boyfriend too, so she's so happy when she heard that. Also, she and BTS Maknae's Jungkook will perform their song too, the title is "I Know". Angel have many more performances to come in the future hahaha.

"What's that about?" Taeyeon unnie ask us. We laugh when we realize what she's asking.

"Its her collaboration with her boyfriend, unnie." I answer her and we all sit on the sofa or on the floor, for me I sit on the sofa, so does Taeyeon unnie.

"Ahhh... Who? The GOT7's leader? JB?" Tiffany unnie ask. We just nod and smile.

"Oh! We saw the video of the proposal of JB to Angel. May I just say that is very sweet." Hyoyeon unnie said. Then we started squealing and talking about the JaeHyeon couple.

"They are so sweet. They are the definition of True Love and Age Doesn't Matter." Sooyoung unnie said after we tell them the things that JB oppa did to Angel.

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