Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11: Meeting my group mates

So Hyeon's P.O.V

"So Hyeon, we decided that you are going to be in a girl group that we are doing. Your the seventh member." Bang PD-nim. I got excited and I just nod.

"Oh? The other 6 girls who we saw yesterday?" Taehyung oppa ask him. He just nods.

"So it is fine with you?" Bang PD-nim ask me. I nod quickly and smile widely.

"Then just follow the boys and you can meet your members. Your manager already know." He said. We stand up, thank him and bow. Then go out. Jimin oppa held my hand. I am shock. I look at him.

"Come. Its this way." He said to me and pull me with him. The others just following behind us. We enter a door and its another practice room. The boys enter too. There stood 7 girls the other 6 are like older than me a little and the other 1 is like older than us.

"Oh! You must be our new member! And your tall." A girl said excitedly. I just nod and laugh slightly. I am the tallest among them, I'm at the same height as Jimin and Yoongi oppa.

"Oh my! But, your so cute!" Said another one. I just smile.

"Girls, stop it. Nice to meet you. I am your group's manager. I am Song Hee Jun, just call me Manager Hee Jun or Hee Jun unnie." Hee Jun unnie tell me.

"Good evening Hee Jun noona." The boys all greet her. Hee Jun unnie just smile at them and nod.

"Hi! I'm Gu Jan Di, my stage name is Moon. I am 23 years old and the oldest, leader, dancer, lead vocalist and visual." Jan Di unnie introduce herself and smile, I smile back. She is a beautiful girl.

"Hello! I am Lee Ae Ra and my stage name is Love. I am 23 years old too and the second oldest, vocalist and dancer." Ae Ra unnie introduce and smile at me. I just smile back.

"Annyeong! Park Seol Hyun-imnida, I don't want to have a stage name. I am 22 years old and I am the third oldest, lead rapper, lead dancer and sub vocalist." Seol Hyun unnie introduce and smile at me. I smile back.

"Hello! I'm Kwon Soo Ah, I don't have a stage name too. I am 21 years old and the fourth oldest, rapper, vocalist and dancer." Soo Ah unnie introduce and smile at me too. I smile back.

"Annyeonghasaeyo! So Jun Lee-imnida! I don't have a stage name too. I am 20 years old and I am in the maknae line, lead dancer, vocalist and visual." Jun Lee unnie introduce and smile. I smile back.

"Hey! I am Baek Hye Rin, my stage name is Rina. I am 20 years old and in the maknae line too, vocalist, dancer and visual." Hye Rin unnie introduce and smile at me. I smile at her too. They all look beautiful. Oh! Its my turn now.

"Annyeonghasaeyo Unnies! Oh So Hyeon-imnida, I don't know what my stage name will be. I am 17 years old and I am the maknae." I introduce myself. They all look shock when I say that I am 17, except the Boys and Hee Jun unnie. They just laugh.

"Oh! And So Hyeon, your positions will be, your the main dancer/choreographer, main vocalist/composer, main rapper, center/face of the group/visual and like you said, maknae." Hee Jun unnie tell me. We are all shock. But I just nod my head and smile, they all smile at me, happily. They are so sweet to me.

"Your the Golden Maknae!" Jan Di and Ae Ra unnie both said together. We just laugh.

"That's me noonas!" Jungkook oppa said and pout. We just laugh at him.

"Then she's the... Platinum Maknae!" Jun Lee and Hye Rin unnie said together. We just laugh at her.

"Oh! Oh! Can I choose your stage name?" Taehyung oppa ask me excitedly and like a kid. His so cute! I just nod and giggle.

"Hmmm... How about... Angel?" He ask. We all look at him confuse.

"Angel waeyo?(Why?)" We ask him. He smile at me, his square smile.

"Cause she looks like an Angel and angels can do anything too. We have an Angel guys." He said and tease me. We just laugh.

"Ok. My stage name is Angel." I agree with Taehyung oppa.

"Yay!" Taehyung oppa squeal and hugs me. I am quite shock at first, but hug him back too. We just laugh at the attitude of this boy.

"Girls and Boys. I am just gonna go out, ok?" Hee Jun unnie tell us and we just nod. Then she go out.

"Let's tell each others personalities." Ae Ra unnie suggested. We just nod. We are now sitting at the middle of the practice room in a circle, together with the BTS.

"Youngest to oldest?" Jimin oppa suggested. They all nod and look at me. I look down.

"Come on, Baby. Don't be shy." Jan Di unnie tell me.

"Ok... Well... I am just like my brother. A girl version of him. I am super sweet, respectful, caring, loving, cute, bubbly and childish. But, I can be mean, rude and bitchy whenever I want, especially if my beauty sleep is disturbed. Trust me, I am a monster when I didn't get my sleep." I say to them and I see my unnies gulp silently. The boys laugh.

"Goodluck with her, girls." Hoseok oppa jokes and laugh, unnies just glare at the boys and they eventually stop laughing. Its Hyerin unnie's turn now, we all look at her.

"I'm caring, loving, protective, out going, bubbly and always happy." She told us with a smile. We just nod and smile back at her. Its Junlee unnie's turn now.

"I'm caring, loving, loyal, overprotective, honest, slightly cold, rude, bitch to other people and quiet." She told us. We just nod again. Its Sooah unnie's turn now.

"I am shy, caring, loving, overprotective too and a positive thinker." She told us with a small smile and we just smile back at her.

"I am outgoing, fun, always happy, joker, positive thinker too and loving/caring." Seolhyun unnie immediately told us while smiling widely. We just laugh at her happy personality.

"I am slightly strict, caring, loving, overprotective, especially to Sohyeon, funny and outgoing too." Aera unnie tell us with a slightly shy smile. We just smile back at her too.

"I am strict, because its needed and because I am the leader too, loving, caring, understanding, overprotective, especially to the maknae line and have a 4D personality too like Taehyung." Jandi unnie tell us and we just laugh at that. Jandi unnie suddenly gasp.

"What is it?" We all ask.

"Girls... We still didn't have a group name." She told us. We all look at each other.

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