Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter 23: Jaebum + Sohyeon = JaeHyeon

Sohyeon's P.O.V

Jungkook oppa and me won the Hunted House mission. Yoongi oppa and Aera unnie is the second and Taehyung oppa and Hyerin unnie is the third. The rest... They are all scared. Especially Jimin oppa and Junlee unnie and of course Hoseok oppa and Seolhyun unnie. I kinda watch the video again though and I am really funny if I say so myself. I mean... Who would threatens a zombie? Who would ask a ghost? And Who would sleep besides a ghost? Honestly... I am really tired at that moment and when I am tired, I don't give a damn about my surroundings. Its been 3 days, since I am doing my missions and I am really excited to meet my husband.

"I am really excited to meet him. I hope he likes me." I say to the camera. I am on the "We Got Married" van again, by myself... Well not really... I have Heejun unnie with me but she don't speak to me when we are at the van.

"What if we lock eyes and we instantly hate each other?" I ask and laugh.

"That's just silly." I said and laugh again. I am just wearing a simple gray crop top, black skinny jeans and a black heels. My hair is just down, just its natural look. And I don't have make up on. I quickly get my bag and put on a natural make up for myself.

"Crimson Red. Crimson Red." I say and show my lipstick to the camera and put it on. I check myself one more time and feel satisfied. I guess I am going to meet him today.

"I wonder who is my husband... Even my unnies didn't know who he is. I just hope we are perfect for each other." I say to the camera again then comb and fix my hair. We're here... Where's "Here"? I really don't know too. I got out and look around. I grab my phone and put it in my pocket. Why are we here? Are we really going to meet here? I don't really know where we are.

Jaebum's P.O.V

I'm supposed to meet my wife today. I think she will gonna go here in our fan meeting. I am really nervous. What if she don't like me? What if we hate each other? My mind are full of what ifs. The fan meeting soon ended and we see Sohyeon there, she's really beautiful. But... What is she doing here? Manager hyung come to us. He points towards Sohyeon and smile.

"Didn't we tell you are gonna meet your wife today? Well... Angel from HERA is your virtual wife." He said to us.

"WHAT?!?!" The seven of us shout. I am really shock right now. We all are.

"WHAT?! IM FREAKING JAEBUM IS MY WHAT?!?!" We all hear a scream and look towards Sohyeon and she's in shock too.

"As in JB? Jaebum? Leader of GOT7? Is my freaking what? Husband? Oh my gosh!" We all hear Sohyeon again. Me? I am just speechless. She looks towards me and realized that I am staring at her. Her small cute eyes widen and she blush then looks away from me. I suddenly smirk. My confidence is coming back now. I walk towards Heejun noona and Sohyeon.

"Hey wifey." I greet Sohyeon and kiss her cheeks. She jumps up a bit and quickly move away from me. I pout at her and she look away from me biting her bottom lip. Heejun noona smile at us.

"Alright! I'm gonna leave you two love birds now." She said and wink at us. Then walk away.

"Your so bad you know." She suddenly said. I look at her confuse. She looks at me.

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