Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7: Hanging out with EXO

So Hyeon's P.O.V
After the concert, Eomma and Appa all say goodbye to the boys and then go out. They said they have something to handle to our company. Now, I'm here in the dressing room of the boys and they all just sitting on the sofas while I am sitting on one of the bean bags here on the floor.

"You really surprise us back there, Kitty." Oppa said. He use the stupid nickname he gave me when we we're still kids. But I kinda miss it too. He nicknamed me that cause I am obsessed with Hello Kitty at that time. I roll my eyes at him.

"Shut up, SeSe oppa." I said back to him. I use my nickname on him. Back when we are still kids. I couldn't pronounce his name properly, so I choose just to stick with SeSe. He just laugh and shakes his head at me and I just grin back.

"So Hyeon. Your voice is amazing." Luhan oppa suddenly cut in our conversion by complementing my voice. OH MY GOSH!!! LUHAN JUST COMPLEMENTS MY VOICE! WAHHH! MY OTHER BIAS HERE! I fangirl in my head.

"T-thank y-you, L-Luhan o-oppa." I stutter while thanking him. I look down and blush. Oppa and Luhan oppa just laugh at me. WAHH! WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SO HANDSOME AND CUTE?!?! SO UNFAIR!

"And your dancing too, you dance so gracefully." Kai oppa suddenly complements me aswell. WAHHH! MY OTHER BIAS TOO! WAHHH! LORD! HELP ME! KAI! WAHHH! I fangirl, again in my head. I look up at him and look down again cause his looking at me.

"Oh my gosh... Thank you K-Kai oppa. You dance well too." I whisper in the beginning then thank him and complement him as well. He just smile at me and thank me aswell. UWAHHH!!! HIS GONNA KILL ME WITH HIS SMILE! WAHHH!

"You can sing, you can dance. What else can you do, So Hyeon?" Somebody ask me. I look up again and see... KRIS OPPA! OH... MY... GOD!!! WAHHH!!! MY ULTIMATE BIAS HERE!!! WAHHH!!! I STILL DON'T WANT TO DIE!!! PLS GOD!! HELP ME!!! PLSSS!!! WAHHH!!! HIS SO HANDSOME AND AT THE SAME TIME... UGH! I DON'T KNOW! HIS JUST PERFECT IN MY EYES!!! HIS SOOO TALL!!! I fangirl, AGAIN in my mind.

"Ah... Eh... Ih... Oh..." I really can't speak right now. My mind went blank. I look at Sehun oppa for help, but he just smirk at me and cross his arms. WAHH! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!

"Uh?" Kris oppa ask then laugh. I look down and blush some more. I never blush this hard in my entire life. I am gonna faint if they don't stop. I started breathing heavily. I think they notice.

"Yah! Are you ok, So Hyeon?" Luhan oppa ask me, looking extremely worried, aswell as Kai and Kris oppa. Sehun oppa catch me when I am just gonna fall, he picks me up bridal style and set me down on the sofa.

"Here. Have some water. Your face is all red. What happened to her?" Lay oppa said and give me a water bottle. I quickly drink it. EXO are all looking worried about me and they started to circle around me and Sehun oppa.

"We don't know. She just suddenly collapse." Kai oppa ask. Worry evidence on his voice. After I drink the water, I close my eyes, take deep breathes to calm down and then lick my lips to make it wet and then bite my bottom lip. I hear some of them inhale their breathe. I open my eyes and look at them.

"I'm ok now, oppas. No need to worry." I reassure them and then smile. They all take a sigh of relief and then smile at me.

"Why did you collapse there?" Tao oppa ask me. I turn to look at Sehun oppa so he can explain. He got my look and nod.

"She likes Luhan, Kris and Kai hyung. Simple as that." Sehun oppa said. Can he be more bolder than that?!?! Gosh!

"Ohhh..." They all said back. While I just blush again. They all laugh except Luhan, Kris and Kai oppa they just smile and... Wait! Are they blushing too?!?! Hmmm its probably just me and my eyes playing tricks with me.

"What about me?! You don't like me?!" Xiumin oppa suddenly ask me in a baby voice and started doing aegyo in front of me. OH MY GOSH! HIS SO CUTE! I can't help my self anymore and pinch his cheeks.

"Of course I like you too!" I answer him and he grins at me. I just giggle.

"YAH! WHAT ABOUT US?!?!" The 7 of them ask/scream at the same time. Then started doing different aegyos. I giggle loudly.

"I LIKE ALL OF YOU! There? Fair enough? Of course, except my brother. That would be so wrong on so many levels!" I tell them while laughing. They all shout "YES!" They all exactly the same when I am watching their funny videos. Behind their mature, serious, emotionless sides when they are in front of camera. But in reality? They are like small little kids. Its cute. That's why their fans love them and of course. That's why I love them too. Not just because of their good looks, yeah they are all handsome for crying out loud! But we all love them too because of their attitudes.

We all just have fun. I got to take selfies with my three bias! Its either in their phones or in mine. Of course I take pictures with my brother too. In the end, we all take a group photo. Me in the middle of the boys. Sehun oppa is at my right side while Kris oppa is at my left side. They all decided that. EXO-K is at my right while EXO-M is at my left. We all pose silly pose then with the last pic. We all just smile and I feel that Kris oppa wrap his arm around my waist and Sehun oppa wrap his arms around my back neck, I also put my arm on the back of Kris and Sehun oppa. Then I smile, my charming smile when the camera clicks. We all cheer loudly. After that, they all takes picture with me one by one with their own phones. When it comes to me and Sehun oppa I ask one of them to take a picture with my own phone. Luhan oppa, Kris oppa, Me and Kai oppa all take a pic together too. With their own phones and with my phone. I really have fun today. I wish they all last long. Well... I kinda didn't tell them that I am going to be a trainee in BigHit, so they didn't know. Shhh... Kekeke. I will see them again soon.

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