Chapter 4

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I woke up in a soft bed. In human form. In clothes that were not mine.

I sprang into a sitting position and looked around wildly before stumbling to my feet and crying out in pain as I crumpled to the floor and clutched my leg. It was bound tightly in gauze. What in the hell...?

I had on a pink shirt and shorts. I looked around me and saw I was in a single room with just a bed.

I began to hyperventilate. I looked around and used the bed to stand, putting all of my weight on my uninjured leg.

Oh gods, what happened? Were was I?! What was wrong with my leg?! I tried searching for my wolf but couldn't find her. Did something happen??

The door flew open, banging harshly on the wall as a small man charged in, hand balled into a pathetic fist and eyes cold and fearful.

I gasped and backed up against a wall before crouching into the fighting stance my grandpa had taught me to use in my human form, keeping my injured leg from his sight. "Who the hell are you?!" I snarled, my eyes never leaving his, my arms raised in fists.

He immediately put both his hands up in a peaceful gesture and his eyes widened."Its cool! I heard a scream... I thought you were in trouble. Im one of Stonepeak's omegas."

Stonepeak? Why was a Stonepeak omega...Everything came back and I remembered the fighting and the rouges. "Oh... Oh yeah." I breathed and relaxed slightly, straightening out and looking the stranger over closely as I brushed off my clothes, switching very suddenly over to nuetral.

The omega looked away bashfully, his rank not letting him look me directly in the eyes. "Im sorry for barging in. Alex right? I-I'll inform the Alpha that you are awake." His eyes glazed over.

I didn't answer and instead managed to hobble to the bed and sit down. I let out a sigh then began to call for my wolf internally. I couldn't feel her, and that made me shudder with worry.

The omega stayed in the room, shifting uncomfortably before footsteps sounded outside the door and he left, brushing past the alphas and betas as they entered.

They all looked at me and I looked back calmly. It was awkward so I spoke first. "I thought you said they couldn't even get close." I looked directly into the Alpha's eyes, a little irritated.

He frowned and glanced at his mate."They hacked it. We were prepared however, thanks to your warning. I can't thank you enough. How did you know of the attack? Or how did you know to come to our aid?"

I narrowed my eyes."I heard them talking about it in Stonepeak. I was outside of your territory, when I heard the fight." I grunted. And looked back down to the bandages.

I know the alpha wanted more, but I didn't feel like giving details. "Well, thank you for helping. You saved my mate, and our children." His eyes locked softly with his mates and he grinned one of those smiles that came from pure happiness as he rubbed her belly.

I glanced wearily and noticed the slight bump. I looked away awkwardly and shrugged. "Wher are my clothes? My phone?" I murmured quietly and patiently, not commenting on the news.

Alpha Hill wrinkled his nose."I'm afraid your clothes were thrown away. Your phone... We didnt find a phone."

I looked up at him and awkwardly nodded. It was probablh trashed anyway. It was only good for wifi and time anyway. "Thank you... Alpha Hill." I murmured.

Hill glanced behind him and dismissed his betas before closing the door.

The Alpha female came up and I flinched when she sat beside me and hugged me. I blushed and kept my hands in a defensive position, ready to push her off, starting to squirm when I felt her soft body against mine. Not that I was thinking about it... it's just something you can't help but notice.

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