Chapter 6

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~6 years later~

I missed Gloria and little Max terribly, so I decided to claim a territory not so far from Stonepeak. I was still quiet a distance, about a day's estimated journey if one ran without any breaks, but I felt good knowing I could visit them whenever I could.

I never did though. I didn't have the heart to confront that pack. Nor did I want to see them again, to stir the pot.

I went back to my pleasing, and yet oddly empty lone wolf life, and I had some glory years in my new territory. There was plenty of food and there was an actual wolf pack next to me, not a werewolf pack, but wild wolves.

I never once used my human body. I had slight anxiety to see what I looked like with over 5 years of little use.

I was a thick alpha wolf now. I was left with allot of free time, and I often thought about Ezzy, Gloria and Henry. I tried drowning out those jealous, dreamy thoughts though... they did no good to the reality I was chained to.

I was looking into the my neighbors territory when I realized... I was 28. Wow. 28. 11 years since everything had happened with my original pack. 28 years of life on this planet. 28 entire years.

I had grown past everything of my youth and first pack. I still howled in their memories, but I wasn't bitter about it anymore. My family wouldn't have wanted that, and they wern't here in any case. They were gone. Like the leaves. Like the clouds. Like the stars.

Now, my life was of Alex, the 28 year old wolf with a nice little land with a slight opposom problem and thistles. The one that didn't bother anyone. The one with friends and... a love interest far far away from her and her mind.

I was just patrolling one morning, and setting my borders when I scented a werewolf and looked up to see a black female watching me closely from a tree stand, quite to my shock.

I was frozen, dumbfounded. There was a.... a person... up in my tree? What.the.fuck.

She stared at me, and I back at her. I was frankly... just... confused and frozen and she must have been waiting to see If I would attack.

I looked all around me, looking for more people before the woman jumped down and brushed herself off. "Sorry to spook you Miss... I've been sitting up there for a while..." She popped her back and offered a kind smile.

She padded up to me slowly and calmly, before she pulled off the camo jacket she had on to reveal red Gaurd uniform. "Alexandria Caravelle?"

I was confused as to how she knew me but I shifted. It was painful. I knew it would be, after years of disuse. I was caught off my gaurd very badly today.

I found that my shirt and skirt were a bit ruffled but nearly exactly as I remember.

My black hair now came to the middle of my back in soft waves. I looked down at my hands a moment before looking at the guard patiently. "This is she?" I raised an eyebrow, not sure why I had answered her as If I were on the phone.

The woman smiled and handed me a paper. "Wow. You are a tough woman to find."

I nodded vaguely. I wasn't exactly hiding.

She nodded and looked me over. "Ok. Well Ms. Caravelle," she politely pointed to the paper. "I have a notice that your old pack is reforming. Do you have any wish to challenge to be alpha?"

I frowned. "What?" How can a dead pack reform? There were no heirs, except me. Never mind that this was the first time I had heard of this, coming from a stranger in my territory?

She pulled out some files out of nowhere and handed them to me. I read them over and felt shocked. Stonepeak had funded a project to get my old pack rolling again.

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