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A little hand shot up. "So Alex died all by herself?"

I frowned slightly down at the beautiful child at my feet and nodded. "Yes, I'm afraid she did. Out in the forrest, in the mountains."

"How do you know how she died?"

I smiled down at the 5 year old boy who asked."Because I felt it when she died, and I was able to help the search party that found... her remains."

"Why did we bury her here then? That makes no sense! She was a rogue!" A little boy looked absolutely perplexed, possibly, in fact, more than likely having slept through the beginning of my story with the sleep in his eyes.

I couldn't help but smile. They had so much to learn and understand. Life was not as simple as they thought. "Alex did allot of good things for this pack. It was fitting, and the right thing to do sweetheart."

"Why am I named after her?" Came a very soft and silvery voice from a girl in the back of the group.

I smiled as her father came up and tossed her playfully in the air."Because Alex was a hero. She saved this pack and helped it multiple times."He paused to place the squirming pup on his shoulder. "When you were born, me and your mother decided to name you after Alex, because she was a good friend of daddies." He answered the little girl.

"I think that's enough story time." A announced. The kids all looked relieved. Some from being tired, and other's from boredom.

Henry and Mary smiled at me as they looked up to thier little Alex and the other parents came from thier rooms at the prompt over the mind-link.

A teenager beside me looked up with mint green eyes, her delicate chin placed in the palm of her hand."Do you still love her, mom?"

I frowned, but eventually nodded with a blush, sending a guilty glance to my mate across the room, trying to keep the older kids off thier phone's. "I think I always will. Mates... Aren't just anything... Having and being a mate is special. But I'm glad I have you and your father. I love you both."

Conor came over and hugged both me and Emmy. Emmy of course, groaned and rolled her eyes while I hugged my little family back.

I sighed as the children all slowly began to disapear, thier parents asking with half-interest what story had been told.

Bruce and Gloria's second son, Jason, hopped after his parents. Behind them, Max and his two younger sisters sat, chatting with an air of boredom. Max cast a look to me however, over the heads of the other kids. He remembered her. Even faintly, the young man remembered my Alex.

Lucy and her mate, Trent called little daisy to them before going to bed, and I smiled at Conor as we were left alone with Emmy.

"Ezzy. My beautiful Ezzy. Im so glad your mine." Conor sighed and kissed my hand.

"I love you Conor. And I love the life we created together, this wonderful life. Even for omegas, I think we really have come far." I sighed blissfully.

Out of the corner of my eye, Emmy or 'Beth' as she demanded to be called now, groaned at me and her father's moment of love.

"Everyone has come far Ezzy. Now come on. Time for bed. I have a promise to keep."

"A promise to keep?" I murmer as I stand awkwardly, my heavy and extended belly making me have to hobble to our room. Did he have to get up early to cook breakfast again?

He smiled."You don't even remember the story you just told? I promised Alex I would always keep you safe. I think that includes our unborn child. Now, off to bed where you can rest and recover from the day." He smiled brightly.

I rolled my eyes playfully."I really am lucky to have you Conor, and to have had such a wonderful daughter." I patted Emmy's stiff hand and I smiled at my family with pride.

'Thank you Alex. Thank you for making my life, and pack whole. You were a god send.' I sent the silent prayer up, up to the moon, so she could send it on to Alex for me, wherever she was now.

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