::Chapter 4:: Common Madness

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With little else to do other then watch, Charlie followed his brother a short way into the grass. Careful to not interrupt the hunt, the young man crouched on his haunches. Watching a man greatly more skilled then himself work. He couldn't help the admiration for the efficiency with which the older man worked.

Arthur slipped through the unfamiliar territory like a snake, with surprising surety. Until he caught a scent, then Arthur streaked forward like a bullet. After a short agile, the man disappeared into the long grass, leaving Charlie stranded on the edge of his seat. Waiting for the tell tale sounds of a kill.

His heart began to race at the very idea of his stomach being full once again.

Straining his eyes to catch whatever sight he could of the grey pelt against the green grass. For a while, all he could see were the grey ear tips of his brother. That was when he spotted Arthur's target.

A lone doe grazing a way off, beside a small body of water. As yet unaware of the threat posed to her.

Partially hidden by the tall grass, and lit by the golden light of the sun. It was almost a peaceful scene.

Had his hunger not been so great, a part of Charlie would have pitied the creature. She had no chance at survival against two starving wolves.

Even Satan would have been hesitant in taking the pair on.

Not questioning why a herd animal was alone and in a very vulnerable area. All Charlie cared about in that moment was the fact that they were going to eat.

It didn't take long, it was a very one sided fight once Arthur was able to get his claws and fangs on the small creature. A feeble bleat was all that came from her before it was over. Hastened by the scent of blood, Charlie followed his brother.

Making his way through the long grass with a lot less elegance then his brother. He knelt beside the dead doe.

Yet he didn't eat, it may have been a decade since he had last been a member of civilisation, but he remembered his manners to some extent. He settled down and waited, waited for permission.

For a moment, Arthur didn't seem to notice his brother's absence at the dinner table, when he did look up, mouth full and lips bloody. His eyes narrowed, "What's wrong with you? Would you prefer pheasant? Maybe a hare?"

Despite the seriousness of his tone, a smile was spread across his muzzle. Resulting in a strange expression on the dangerous animal.

Charlie on the other hand, was not smiling. "Your kill, you eat first." He spoke with simplicity, a politeness to his tone which felt out of place around his brother.

I lost the right to use that word a long time ago.

"Just eat, Charlie, your as hungry as I am."

Now he had permission, he didn't need to be asked twice and he pushed forward. The tearing of his flesh from skin to fur mixing with the sound of him burying his muzzle into the deer. Tearing into what remained of it. Arthur returned to his place beside Charlie, and the pair enjoyed their dinner.

The pair, so focused on filling their hungry bellies. Failed to notice the pair of eyes watching from behind them.

Lifting his bloodied muzzle from the now bare skeleton of the deer, he twitched his ears towards his brother. "Should we burry the remains? I'm not the only predator in these parts."

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