::Chapter 17:: Cornered Mice

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Returning to the ranks of the army, Robert slowed his mare once they were at the heart of the bustling group and Charlie could at last catch his breath. Letting out a low sigh, he stuck close to his brother and stayed on the alert.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the suspicion that something was wrong.

On edge as he walked, every shadow made him nervous. As though certain that every corner and crevice held an enemy wanting to tear them limb from limb. The red was still at the edges of his vision, and making their way closer.

Irrespective of what hid, it wouldn't cause as much damage as Charlie if he couldn't calm down.

"Calm down," Robert's voice was firm from above. "You'll do none of us any good if you lose your temper."

Lose your temper is one way of putting it, Charlie thought from the back of what was now only a semi conscious state. His heart was beginning to race and the thoughts were racing through his head to the point where he could barely think straight.

The only thing which kept him present was Robert's voice, how long it would last was uncertain.

"Something's not right," Charlie's words were devastatingly simple yet firm, his eyes danced.

For a moment Robert didn't respond, Charlie could all but see the tension running through his veins. The older Prince let out a low sigh at last, the fear apparent even in this small noise. "The sooner we get out of here, the safer we'll be."

Whilst it wasn't exactly an inspiring speech, there was truth to what had been said.

As the two brothers continued in silence, Charlie only grew more and more irritated. His head swung from side to side as he walked, and trying to shake the fear from his head. It made him look down right mad.

The wolf reflected the man.

It turned out there was good reason for it.

Someone a few metres ahead of the two brothers, let out an agonised scream. Then fell to the floor. Dead.

Hundreds of yells and cries of surprise then terror went up from across the rest of the army as they dodged left and right. In desperate attempts to avoid the place where the poor woman had been shot, but it was too late. They were surrounded.

Charlie was one of few left with enough sense, ironic as it might have been to look not where the body had fallen, but from where the shot had come. Charlie couldn't see more then ten metres, for the mass of people surrounding them as far as the eye could see.

They were surrounded.

The wall of swarming bodies was not more then three persons thick, but as they moved to attempt to break through they weren't able to within two metres before they too were shot down.

It appeared that there was no way they were getting out of this.

At least not without a fight.

Some were on horses, others on foot and a few on something a lot more terrifying.

Even from this distance Charlie was able to see the main giveaway as to who these strangers were. The same golden eyes that had flashed at him in the darkness of the cell earlier that morning.


Dodging downwards so hard that his paws almost slipped out from beneath him, a ball of fire flew above his head. Smashing through the air Charlie had inhabited mere seconds before, and killing a handful of people who had been unfortunate enough to be too close.

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