::Chapter 7:: Everything Changes

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The darkness had begun to swallow him by the time the cell door opened a second time. On the brink of sleep, the noise startled him. Forgetting where he was he leapt to his feet, only to be dragged back down by the shackles around his wrists.

Swearing as new pain ricocheted through old wounds. He let out a growl, struggling to see in the pale light. "Who's there?" He was cautious, unable to decide if this newcomer was a friend or a foe.

When the scent finally hit him, he couldn't decide between the two.

"Robert," he spoke quietly, careful with how he chose his words. "What are you doing here?"

It was a stupid question, a simple one considering the circumstances. Yet in the moment his mind had gone blank and his heart had grown heavy. At how much had changed it felt like they were worlds apart.

We are, Charlie reminded himself of the painful fact that they could not be more different.

Five years his elder, in that moment Robert looked little more than a child. The sharpness gone from his features, the wisdom fled from his eyes. Leaving behind a small boy. "I don't now," he admitted. The one thing that didn't go, the calmness to his voice.

Charlie heaved himself to his feet, this time remembering the boundaries. He backed himself into the corner of the cell, regarding his brother carefully. In spite of the urge to run at him and hug him.

That was impossible in more ways then one.

Leaning against the wall in a terrible attempt to appear calm, casual. He gave up on trying to sound calm. He didn't speak for a moment, his gaze dancing from Robert's boots to his head. As far as tasting the air, trying to familiarise himself with the scent of the man who had once been his brother.

"Sit?" offered his brother after a moment, as he too settled down on the cold ground. Crossing his legs, even from the lower position. He watched his brother with a careful caution, but not without care.

For a moment he hesitated, uncertain. Then he followed the actions of his brother. Wincing a little at the pain from his leg.

Robert narrowed his eyes when he saw his brother wince, "Is that still hurting you?" He reached to touch the leg, then remembered himself and stopped.

Only shrugging, "It's nothing I cant tolerate." A slight lie, but that wasn't the topic of conversation he was wanting. He watched his brother for a moment, silent. Trying to think of what to say, how to say it.

In the end, it tumbled out in one great waterfall of words. Once the flow began, he was unable to stop it. "How are you?" He had wanted to say so much more, but he feared that if he didn't stop now, the emotions would come pouring out.

Even if he felt like he was going to explode with them, he knew it wasn't a good idea.

Apparently Robert too had been taken aback by the question, he paused for a moment. Shifting a little to become comfortable but finding it difficult in the cold. "I'm well, thanks. We all are," he said. As though talking to a stranger, not a brother.

The next question was the more difficult one. "How much has changed since..."

"The last time?" Robert offered, not sounding annoyed, instead trying to be helpful but ended up sounded frustrated or impatient.

Nodding was the only thing Charlie could think to do before his voice broke and the words poured out.

Without bothering to sugar coat his words, Robert replied. "A lot."

Charlie smiled, it was a small one but a smile all the same. "I guessed as much, how dare you change?" The challenge to his tone was masked by the laughter. "I expected you to stay 24 forever. I'm hurt, Rob."

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