::Chapter 19:: Unanswerable Questions

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By the time Charlie had woken from a restless sleep, which had been littered with falling in and out of unconsciousness. There was a small sliver of light seeping through the hole above his head.

At least now I can see.

Even if the only advantage would be that he could see the person who killed him.

Pulling at the chains. Testing its strength now he had regained some strength but finding no give. It was only lose enough for him to pace a few centimetres either way but otherwise, he was tied fast to the spot.

Only achieving a renewed pain in the sores around his neck, unable to heal due to how tight the silver chains had been tied. He slumped down onto his belly with a sigh, little other option then to wait to see what morning would bring him.

It seemed to be an eternity before Charlie would hear anything from the above world again.

Footsteps, faint at first and then they seemed to thunder overhead, approached.

Charlie stiffened, a growl echoing from his throat as he tensed. To anyone else the odds would be considered stacked against him, but that wasn't something he cared about right then. He would fight till the death.

The groaning sound which had become almost familiar sounded shortly after, and Charlie was temporarily blinded as the 'cell' was flooded with sunlight. It didn't stop him from letting the growl tear from his throat.

When his vision finally returned after a couple of seconds, he saw no fewer then twelve men and women standing above him. Each with a weapon gripped tightly in their hands, pointed down at him.

Baring his fangs he let out a low growl, but these strangers seemed to show no fear.

If it was the last thing Charlie did, he was determined to change that.

"Stand," the order echoed down into the hole but Charlie hesitated. He wasn't about to be compliant in his execution if that was their intention for this performance. He wasn't about to die on his knees.

His defiance would turn out to be a mistake.

Pain rippled through him, like a shockwave darting through his veins.

Then without asking, his legs began to move, at first jerkily as he tried hard to resist. But soon it was as though they were no longer his own as he was forced to his paws. A snarl tore from his throat, but that was the extent of his autonomy.

Metallic clanking sounded behind him as the chains slipped lose of the wall. The earth contorted into a slope, and his torment continued as he was forced to make his way back above ground.

These strangers seemed confident enough in their ability to control him that they allowed him to go free of chains for now. Another growl rippled through him, but as though only to make a fool of him, his tail darted from side to side.

Laughter danced from the small crowd of gathered witches, they found pleasure in his woe.

For a split second he found enough strength to fight back that he was able to take a chunk out of the nearest man's leg. The cry of pain which resulted almost made his tail wag by himself, but he held it steady. Growling in fury.

Retaliating with a fury of his own, the man Charlie had bitten lunged. Fire at his fingertips, and clearly quite eager to burn the fur from his back, and maybe even further. Helpless to defend himself, he growled.

Restraining hands darted out before he got close. "We need him alive," they reminded him.

"He bit me!" There was a tone of defeat to the man's voice, but some form of acceptance.

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