010; Opportunities

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I open my eyes and blink a few times to clear my eyes. I looked at Rick's arm, which was clinging to my hip while our legs were intertwined. I smile as I remembered what happened yesterday.

Carefully, I detatch myself from the blue-eyes man and approach Sasha. We were awaiting a decision. I wake her calmly and together, we leave the barn.

"Go..." The brunette whispered after seeing the exterior, which was destroyed by the rain. We drive in silence, to see the beautiful sunset.

"If that's how you feel, Sasha," I speak after a few minutes. "I also lost people, and we will continue to lose people, like we are now."

"It's stupid,"

"I know. But what else can we do? We just have to survive." She nods uneasily. I took out the music box that Carl had given me, to lighten the mood.

"Daryl repaired it," I comment, and I turn the knob. I left it in the trunk we were sitting on, but even so, the object didn't make a single sound. We both started to laugh.

"It can't be," I whisper between laughter.

"Hello..." We heard among the trees, and as if it were a trigger, we got up, holding our weapons high. "I am a friend, don't shoot."

"Raise your hands, show you're innocent," I observe him carefully. His clothes were almost new, his skin was clean and his hair shone.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Aaron, I have good news."


"Hey, everyone..." I speak slowly entering the barn, "This is Aaron." They stand up, with the weapons ready before I even introduce him. At the other corner, I see Rick. When he sees me, he sighs and approaches me, embracing me.

"I was about to look for you," I embrace him, separating from him after a while. When he sees Aaron smiling at me, he puts an arm around my waist and pulled me away from him carefully. More like protectively.

"This is Aaron, he says he has a community. He wants us to audition to get into it." Sasha informs them. The chestnut went on to explain everything he had told us, while I was talking to Carl.

"Dad was very worried, he was going to go out looking for you when everyone went to sleep, but I kept him under control." The teenager told me and I laugh a little.

"How are you?" I change the subject by asking Judith and Carl.

"We're fine, mom." He pronounced. I take the side of his head, bringing it to my lips to plant a kiss on his cheek. I get up and approach the circle of people.

"We won't go, we know what happens when we trust people. We won't take any chances."

"Do you want to feed Judith with walnuts for the rest of her life? Do you want Carl running for his life every five minutes? Do you want your whole family in danger?" I exploded. "This is a new opportunity, we must take it."

"It's a good place for all of you, it has walls, food, electricity..." Before he can continue, Rick approached him dangerously, and hit him which made him sprawl on the floor.

"This is what we'll do," I speak, drawing everyone's attention. "Rosita, Maggie, Tara, Abraham, Glenn and I will go check the caravan and the cars. The others will keep everything under control."

Rick took my wrist, without using any force on me, so he didn't hurt me.

"I'll accompany you," He said, I shake my head at his request.

"You must stay here, with the children. I'll be back, I promise." He thinks for a while, and finally nods. Carefully, I approach him, kissing his lips. When we parted, they were all watching. Which made me blush.

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