(2) Mack

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• May •

My phone buzzed. Mia texted me. She's stupid af because she sits right next to me. I mean, she could just talk to me.. Just as I was about to turn on my phone, I turned it off and smirked at Mia. She gave me an annoyed look and put her phone away too. Pissing her off always gives me joy.


My phone went off again. Since Mr. Bates finished reviewing homework, and started his lesson (which was boring af) I read Mia's texts.

Miaa: Did u see tht girl?

Miaa: think shes new

Miaa: havent seen her b4

Me: where?

Miaa: Right in front of u retard.

I looked up from my phone. Oh yeah.

Me: rude

Me: what about her?

Miaa: tap her shoulder.

Me: tf

Miaa: I s2g I'll tell Nash u want him to be your babies father

Me: ur a

Miaa: a what

Miaa: i know you dont cuss lmao

Miaa: hit me with your best shot

Me: ur a shoe

Shoe: a shoe?

Me: stfu u rachet shoe

Shoe: ow. Such rude. rlly offended.


Me: Shoe.


Me: stfu or I wont poke her.

Shoe: Shoe.

Mia looked up from her phone to see if I would poke the girl in front of me. I mouthed shoe as I reached out and poked her.

The girl slowly turned around and looked at me. If looks could kill I'd be dead. I guess I must've looked so scared, she burst out laughing and so did Mia. "I'm Mack." She said. "Girls? Is there a problem back there
?" Mr. Bates asked. "Nope." Mia, Mack, and I said. "Well Mack." I whispered, "I already hate you." Mia joined in. "Well I already love you." Mia smiled, then looked back at her phone while Mack turned around. My phone buzzed again.

Shoe: Sacred ASF shoe :)

Me: stfu shoe

Shoe: maybe shoe will be our always.

Me: maybe shoe will just mean; ur a shoe:)

"MIA DELEROSA IF YOU ARENT INTERESTED IN MY LESSON, MAYBE YOU WOULD LIKE TO TEACH IT?." Mr. Bates yelled. "No." Mia said, blushing. "Then I advise you to put your phone AWAY." Mr. Bates said, continuing with his lesson. "Is he always like this?" Mack muttered. "If what you mean as always is; a bald angry troll who is boring af then, yes." I said. "Hashtag bald angry troll from boring af land." Mack, making Mia and I burst out laughing. "WHAT DID YOU SAY GIRLS." Mr, Bates said behind us. Damn. How did he get there? I s2g he was just at the front of the room. "ALL OF YOU GIRLS GO TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE. NOW." He yelled, angrily giving us hall passes.

Mia and I got up and started walking out. "YOU TOO MACKENZIE." He commanded, making the class snicker. Mack just sashayed out, making Mia and I laugh even more. "GET OUT!" Mr. Bates yelled. Woah. Calm down Bald Angry Troll From Boring Af Land.

Ok if u didnt get the shoe joke just take the S out of shoe :)


•Blank Space
•Accidentally In Love
•Hollywood's Princess

Changed rose's name to mayson SORRY FOR ANY CONFUSION

#baldangrytrollfromboringafland -nandozbabesxx

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