(7) Am I Being Punked?

178 4 13

• May •


As I arrived at the Starbucks, I saw Nash sitting inside. "Um, hey." I said, sitting in front of him. "Okay, earlier, at McDonalds, I wanted to ask you something else." He sighed. "Okay, and I'm guessing you're going to ask me now." I said, raising my eyebrow.

"Yes." He sighed. "Mayson Jade Brooks, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, biting his lip.

What. Did I hear that right? I mean, it's not a huge surprise, but WOW.

"Am I being punked?" I asked, raising my eyebrow, looking around. "No." He smiled. "Well, Nash Halmiton Grier.." I said, pausing dramatically.

"No." I smiled. Nash's smile faded. Was it something I said? "I just have to go then.." He said, scratching the back of his neck. "Nah I'm just playin." I laughed.

"really?" He asked, smiling again. Oh snap. Now is the time for the May Effect. "Will this answer you?" I asked, bitting my lip.

Wait for it.. wait for it.. I stood on my tippie toes, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and splashed my water in his face. I SWEAR I HAVE NEVER LAUGHED SO HARD IN MY LIFE. BAM. DID THAT JUST BLOW YOUR MIND?! I hope so because that worked out better than I planned, because I'm kinda socially awkward. And bitter. And sassy. And selfish. On a London Tipton level. But on the bright side I just got a boyfriend.

Then he splashed HIS water in my face. It was a sweet passionate splash. I felt the love in it. Such love. I think I just had a child out of our heated water splashing session. Note the sarcasm. Dang. The boy is a good splasher. We got yelled at then got kicked out of Starbucks. Then as we hugged tightly, I heard voices. "So this is where you went?" Mia asked, raising her eyebrow. "Obviously." Mack nudged her with her elbow, winking. "We sor-rey!" Mia huffed. They both stopped.

Nash let go. "Um, should we all meet up right now?" Nash asked, checking his phone. "Sure." Mia said, glaring at us, then wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Oh stop!" I said, hitting her. "Ew. Don't touch me. A.) you are wet. Thanks to Nash." She paused and died laughing. I glared at her, and she stopped, still smiling. "And B.)," She continued, "your ratchet." "Takes one to know one." I said, smiling back at her.

Then beating her to the death. But security came and banned me from the mall. She had to go to the ER. I broke several bones. And I'm being charged, and on parol. But hey, it's the May Effect.

^OKAY THAT REALLY DIDNT HAPPEN. But the May Effect is real.

"Okay," Nash said, putting his phone away,"The guys are in the front of the mall now." Well I hope we didn't keep em waiting. In telling you, it's the Rose Effect.

"Should we just all walk together?" I asked. "Yeah." Mia replied. "Lets go!" Nash holla-ed. Is that even a thing? "What the hell Nash? Did you turn into Dora in the last thirty seconds?" I huffed. "What ever 'non-logical' May."

He huffed back, mocking me. "Shut the hell up Nash." As we started walking, Nash enter-winded out hands. If your stupid, then that means HOLDING HANDS. I REPEAT. HOLDING HANDS. *gasp*

When we met with everyone else, (Cam, Sam, Nash, Mia, Mack, JC, and I. Just a reminder.) we agreed on going to Cam's house and having a movie night. "The girls and I should go in the same car so we could get our stuff." I suggested.

"Sure." Cam said, "Okay so we should meet up at my house at 7:30. Is that cool?" "Yeah." We all agreed. I guess we're not birds anymore. JOY TO THE WORLD. AND ALL MANKIND. WERE FINALLY HUMAN.

"Okay, see you guys at 7:30!" I waved. Then we headed to the parking lot, and went into our cars. The girls in one, the guys in the other. "May?" Mia asked sweetly. "Yeah?" I replied. Where is she going with this? "Can I just ask, why the hell YOU WERE HUgging NASH?!" She semi-yelled.

"Mia, it's the May Effect." I shrugged. "Seriously May." She said, in one of those 'motherish' warning tones. Dang. I should've known. "He kinda asked me out." I shrugged again. I do a lot of shrugging. Hm. "REALLY?!" The girls squealed. DANgIT. WHEN I FINALLY THINK WERE HUAMNS, WERE PIGS. DANG.

"Yeah." I blushed. I'm kinda scared

about the movie night now.. I really don't know why. Maybe it's Nash being there.


I feel stupid.


Updating next chapter today also! It's going to be the movie night. Just like they arrived.

No boring life stories this update! yay. lucky you.

Changed rose's name to mayson SORRY FOR ANY CONFUSION

Eat hot soup. - Nandozbabesx

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