(13) Taco Bell Trauma

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• Mia •

I could honestly care less if I went on the cruise. I just like getting May mad. I just wish I had someone that did sweet things for me. I'm not mad or jealous. Just.. I wish Liam didn't leave me. That was almost two years ago lmao. I have better people in my life right now. That's all that matter right?

As we arrived to Taco Bell, we immediately went inside. Like almost a full on sprint inside. It was REALLY cold. Just like Liam's heart. CRYING. "I'll grab a seat and you can order." I told May. "Okay. What do you want?" She asked, heading for the line. "Anything." I shrugged, going to the booths.

I sad down at a small two seat table and just waited for May. "So the party.. are you going?" I hear a girl say. "As long as you're there with me." A guy gushed. Aw. Thats cute. Whenever I asked Liam to go somewhere with me, he would always say that. Wait. WAIT. There is NO possible way that he's here. I peeked over to the booth behind me, and sure enough it was Liam and Kylie.

Kylie is the most annoying and yet most popular girl at our school. Kylie thinks she's all perfect with her 'blue orbs' she calls her FUCKING EYES. Or her perfect blonde locks of hair and that her waves flow effortlessly down her back. Like one fucking day I will effortlessly cut her blonde locks off. Oops.

But her with LIAM? This is terrible. Liam was facing his back to me which was terrible. How did they not see me come? I also forgot to mention Kylie is the dumbest human being that has lived. So that might explain why. Kylie saw me look at her and smirked. "OH HI MIA." She greeted me with a cheesy grin. "Fuck off." I spat. "SO. I'M HAVING THIS HUUUGE PARTY TONIGHT." She gushed. "I don't give a fuck." I sighed. "SO DO YOU WANNA COME." She started walking towards me. "Nope." I laughed. "You can leave now."

May came just in time with our food. I gave her a look practically saying; HELP HELP GET THIS CRAZY BITCH AWAY FROM ME. Too bad May is bad at reading looks. "Um. Kylie. What are doing." She asked, looking disgusted. "I'm just here with my BOYFRIEND. YEAH. I guess he used to go out with this mess." She gestured to me. "His name is LIAM. OOH. And we're throwing this HUGE party and you're invited." Fuck you you fucking bitch who the fuck do you think you are you bitch ass nigga. Who the fuck do you fucking think you fucking are fight me you fucking bitch. I ain't going to no fucking cheap ass party with your fucking fake ass friends. TAKE A STEP BACK. This is Liams's fault. If he wasn't being a lil bitch this wouldn't be happening.

May laughed. "As much as I DONT want to go, no thanks." I walked over to where Liam was sitting. "So I see you lowered your standards. I but I see you've hit rock bottom." I smirked.

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