(12) Relationship goals

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After all the cruise excitement and Nash left, I texted Mia.

Me: yo

Me: come over rn

Mia: What? No.

Me: why

Me: stupid shoe

Mia: fine then. Your a weave

Me: wtf

Me: tht literally made no sense

Me: come over

Mia: whyy

Mia: fine

Mia: victim of peer pressure.

Me: yass


Mia: calm your teets

Me: im not a cow fyi

Mia: u wish

Me: stfu

Mia: Nash wants those teets

Me: IgNoRiNg yOu

I shut off my phone and cleaned up my room. About 3 minutes later, I heard a knock at the door.

Me: doors open

Me: im in my room

Mia: u better be

Me: was tht a threat?

Mia: yes

"YO IM HERE" Mia yelled, opening the door and walking up stairs. "Hey" I said, getting out my suitcase. "Where you going?"
"Um thats what I was going to tell you." I sat down on the bed next to her. "BABY. PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME. I LOVE YOU. I PROMISE I'LL BE BETTER. I SWEAR." She pleaded. "Mia. Shut the fuck up." I continued with what I was saying. "Okay so-" Mia cut me off. "I don't want the backstory to this. Just tell me the important part." "So impatient. Jaysus."

"Okay so Nash got us tickets to a cruise!" I said excitedly. "AW. RELATIONSHIP GOALS." She said.

"Can I come?"




"What if I change my name to pimp daddy."

"That'd be amazing."

"So thats a yes?"


"Fuck you."

"Fuck yourself."

"I'm hungry."

"Then let's go eat."




"In N Out?"


"How about Taco Bell."

"Now we're talkin. It's on me because I have money because I'm not going on no fucking cruise."


"I didn't even tell you it was a Disney Cruise!"

"Your tickets were on your bed." She shrugged.

"Lets go to Taco Bell now."

"I'm not done."

"LEAVING." I yelled, running down stairs. "MOM I'M GOING TO TACO BELL."

"OKAY." She yelled back, just as I closed the door.

Really should have gotten a jacket. And some clothes on. Okay. It wasn't too long after Mia came through the door though. "Get in the car so we can get some food." She sighed, getting in the car. "You drove here?" I asked.


"You live across the street."

"It's cold." She shrugged.

"You're stupid." I laughed.

I got in the car, and Mia started driving to Taco Bell.

Okie no more A•N in like a sep chap.
Ily all ;DD

Harry yer a wizard -nandozbabesxx

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