(11) A year later and..

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I was doing my math homework when my phone lit up with a notification that Nash texted me.

Nash: hey

Me: wtf r u mad?

Nash: what?

Me: oh my god Nash. Ur so insensitive to my feelings.

Nash: what?

Me: shut up nash. i think were over now.


This is why I love him.

Me: bye.


Oh god we have these like twice a week.

I end up getting my soup but no cat, unfortunately.

Me: what color cat?

Nash: yellow

Me: ew. no. were officially done.


Me: racism .


ME: What kind of hot soup?

Nash: Ramen?


Bae: dammit. Please consider that were both seniors in high school.

Me: and?

Bae: ur stupid. but i still love you

Me: your a non logical man. but i still love you.

Nash: u still remember that?

Me: a woman remembers everything

Me: so u better not screw up

Nash: pressured af

Nash: k hows this?;

Nash: I have a huge surprise for you.

Me: what is it?

Nash: come outside your door.

Nash: Your mine <3

Me: in your dreams.

I turned off my phone, and went downstairs, and opened the door. "Where are you going?" My mom asked. "Just in front." I said, unlocking the door. "Don't get kidnapped!"
"I'll try!" I yelled as I went outside, closing the door behind me. Nash was outside, wearing a dark red sweatshirt and dark blue jeans. "Nash." I sighed, "Please don't wear that EVER again." "Why?" He frowned. "Just. Gross colors." I laughed kissing his cheek. "You know I love you." I smiled. Nash smiled at me, which warmed my heart. Pun intended. I don't know why I was making fun of Nash's choice of clothing because, I was in my pj's considering it was only 10:28 am, and it was 62 degrees outside.

"What is it Nash?"

"A surprise. Duh."

"Your stupid. But I still love you." I smiled.

"You're so mean to me." He said, playfully frowning, "But thats why I love you."

"But thats why I love me."

"Shut up so I can tell you what I got you."


Nash and I have been dating for almost two years now. And from that bathtub incident, he's still the same Nash I fell in love with almost two years ago. Except for getting A LOT hottie (insert heart eyed emoji). My mom said I was to young to know what love is, but I know I'm in it right now, and I've been in it for 'almost' past two years. And I know It's what I'll be in it forever with Nash.

That sounded so sappy oh my god.

"Nash just tell me what it is." I sighed.

"Okay, okay." He stopped, and pulled out a box. I raised my eyebrows. "Here." He handed me the box. "If it's a homemade bomb, I swear to god when I die I will haunt you and shove your toe up a bathtub faucet, and leave you there to die." I said, laughing, remembering our first 'date'. "Just open it you big stupid." Nash said, sounding anxious. "I bet it is a bomb."
"I bet it's da bomb." He said, smiling sheepishly at me. "Stop it you big stupid."

I unwrapped the box and took off the bow. It was tickets. I flipped them over and read the name. "Two tickets... to a Disney.. CRUISE?!" I gasped. "OH MY GOD NASH!" I said hugging him. "Your welcome." He gushed. "Oh my god Nash. I love you so much." I said kissing him, still in shock. "Come in so we can talk, it's too cold outside." I said walking in. I closed the door and went up to my room with Nash trailing behind me.

"ROSE?" My mom called. "What?" I said walking to the living room. "Oh hey Nash." My mom greeted him. "Hey Susan." Nash waved. My mom lets Nash call my mom by her first name (obviously). "Nash and I are just gonna discuss something in my room." I said, walking away. "DONT MAKE ANY GRAND CHILDREN" She called after me, "AT LEAST NOT YET." That comment made Nash and I laugh on our way up to my room.

"When are we going?" I asked as I sat on my bed. "The first day of Winter Break." He said. Oh my god. This is literally the best thing Nash has done for me. Well, aside from the other trillion things..

"Nash." I said. "Yeah?" He said, looking at all of the pictures on my wall. (Of us, family and friends.) "I swear you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. I don't think there is one even better than you Nash. I'm not just saying this because of the cruise. It's just all of the little things you do for me. Like kiss me on the forehead, tell me that you love me everyday, and even the smallest things, like holding the door open for me. Nash, I love you so much."

"That was deep." Nash said, looking at me worriedly. "Stop or my grandma will go with you on the cruise instead." I teased. "At least she wont haunt me and leave me to die in a bathtub."

See? This is why I love him.

Chnaged rose's name to mayson so sorry for any confusion

Aw. This was such a cute chapter. I wanted to skip ahead a yr bc that would have been boring, having another year of them, building their relationship. :\ I CAN PUT A CHAP OF THAT. IT CAN B LIKE A FLASH BACK. YES. IT SHALL.

I feel like this story is a total train wreck and I'm so frustrated bc it sounds like a freaking 10 year old wrote this. Im 900% done rn.

I dedicate this chapter to futuoharry

Bc of her book Texting that i CANNOT STOP READING THANKYOU VERY

MUCH. and of course to my best friend fvucking5sos <3

Eat hot soup- nandozbabesxx

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