(6) Mall

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• Mia •

Nash is being weird. It probably has something to do with him liking May. I like to see people get weird when they're in love. OKAY. NOT IN THAT WAY. But it's cute. That JC Caylen guy is pretty cute. No. I have Liam.

When we all finished, Cam stood up. "So do you guys want to go to the mall now?" he asked. We all nodded in agreement. Then Nash came out of the bathroom.

"What are we doing?" He asked. "Were going to the mall." Cam said. Hmm. I HAVE to figure out what's up with him.

Nah, he can be his non logical self, like Rose said.

[ A•N; Guys sorry for two POV in this chapter :// It was a request from the real Mia herself 😂 ]

• May •

As we all piled into the cars, we drove off. "Hey, can we stop at my house?" I asked. I forgot my wallet. I don't know why. "Um, sure." Cam said, texting JC. "What are you gonna do?" Nash asked. "Forgot my wallet." I said, sighing. "Really?" He asked. "NOOO NASH. I JUST WANT TO HAVE TWO WALLETS WITH ME AT ALL TIMES." I said sarcastically. He put his hands up in surrender, and I laughed.

Boys. Can be so stupid.Or non logical.

"Were here!" Cam said. I got out of the car and yelled back. "I'll be a sec!" "Ok." Cam replied.

I unlocked the door and ran in. "Hey mom." I said, shutting the door behind me. "Where've you been?" She asked. "Um, I went to go eat with Mia and Nash." I said, going upstairs. I went to my room and grabbed my wallet. Then, ran back downstairs. "Where are you going now ?" She said, sounding a bit worried. My mom always worried. "To the mall." I said going to the door. "Um, sweetie I'd like you to stay home." She yelled as I was opening the door. "WHAT? CANT HERE YOU. LEAVING. LOVE YOU. BYEEE." I called after her as I walked out. The last thing I heard before going into the car was; May!! She usually caught me before I made it out the door. I looked around to see if anyone was watching, and did a little victory dance. Which was a HUGE mistake considering A I cannot dance, and B Nash and Cam were right there. Sigh.

"Okay guys!" I said getting into the car. "I didn't know you could dance. " Cam asked smirking. "Yeah. I'm a pro." I said, smiling confidently. "Oh really?" Nash sighed, getting out his phone. "Watch." He played a video. It was me dancing.

"Oh." I said smiling sweetly, "Lemme see that." I took Nash's phone and threw it out the window. "THIS HOW MUCH I CARE." I yelled. "MAY!" Nash yelled. "Jeeze May. Calm down." Cam said, hiding his phone from me. "Drive. Or it'll be your phone NEXT." I said, laughing evilly. Cam started the car, and drove towards the mall.

"I'm goood." I giggled. Ew. Did I just giggle? Ew. Sorry but that's too nasty for me.

When we got to the mall, we met up with Mia, Mack, JC, and Sam. "Oh hey guys!" They all said. "We heard you got pierced up." Mack said in a gangster voice. "It's just my ear." I laughed, showing them my ear. "Cute" Mack said.

"Didn't that hurt?" Mia said. "Nope." I said confidently. Nash started pulling out his shattered phone, smiling. "NASH DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT." I yelled. They all laughed. "Um, why don't the girls go together, and all the guys can hangout or something." Mia said. "Sure." We all murmured in agreement.

As we all split up, Nash texted me. What?

•Nash• Meet me in front of the Starbucks in 5

•Me• Why?

•Nash• You'll see 😏

•Me• are you going to murder me..

•Nash• what?

•me• nvm, i'll be there..

I'm a bit scared there. Okay.. "Imma go pick up some Starbucks for us all real quick." I said, sliding away. "Okay." They all chirped, cuz like I said before, were all birds. Note the sarcasm.

As I arrived at the Starbucks, I saw Nash sitting inside. "Um, hey." I said, sitting in front of him. "Okay, earlier, at McDonalds, I wanted to ask you something else." He sighed. "Okay, and I'm guessing you're going to ask me now." I said, raising my eyebrow.

"Yes." He sighed. "May, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, biting his lip. What.



Changed rose's name to mayson SORRY FOR ANY CONFUSION

Or nah. - Nandozbabesxx

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