Alternate Ending

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~Cassie's POV~
The night was spent tense, no one talked, no one slept. Keith and I stayed in each other's arms, cherishing our last moments together. I haven't cried, I think I've run out of tears.
"Are you ready for this?" Keith asks, tightening his arms around me as we watch the sun rise. I sigh, keeping my eyes trained on the horizon.
"No, but I know it has to be done. Are you?"
"Not at all, but as long as I'm with you, I'll be ok. We'll always be together, even in death." I swallow the lump in my throat and look up at him.
"Do you think we'd be together if this never happened?" He nods immediately, pulling me closer.
"Yes, because even without all this happening, we were going to go on a date. We had a connection when we met, and that kind of bond is unbreakable. I know we'd be together if this hadn't happened." I smile, nodding.
We spend the rest of the morning watching the sun rise as Wyatt and Cody come sit with us.
"You guys are the leaders of this group now." I say as they sit. "With Keith and I gone, it falls to you. Keep everyone safe, find a place to live, maybe go back to the gated community. Just stay safe, please." My voice thickens as a lump forms in my throat. They step forward, pulling me into their arms.
"Of course, Cassie, we just wish you were coming back with us." Wyatt says as they step back. I smile sadly.
"I wish we were coming too." I say quietly just as the door opens and Henry, Blake, and Karson enter. A glare forms on my face, hatred filling me.
"It's time." Blake says, looking at Keith and I. I clench my jaw, taking a deep breath. I turn to my group, fighting tears as I stare at their sad faces. Tears are streaking down each of their faces.
"Wyatt and Cody are your leaders now, you listen to them as if it was me giving orders. I love you guys, you're my family, thank you for always being there. Even when I was a little crazy." They laugh a little, nodding. I turn to Wyatt and Cody, hugging them one more time. "You guys were the brothers I never had. I love you guys, thanks for dealing with me." Tears fall down their cheeks as they smile sadly at me.
"You were always like a sister to me, I love you like one, too. You're the best friend I've ever had. I love you, Cassie." Wyatt says, his voice thick with emotion.
"You were like a sister to me too. Even though when I met you, you were a shell of a person, you've grown into such an amazing girl. I love you, Cassie." They turn to Keith. "I love you, man, you've been an amazing friend and you helped Cassie do much, thank you for that." Cody steps forward and hugs Keith, then steps back as Wyatt steps forward.
"Youre like a brother to me, Keith. You're always there to help and you will do anything to keep us safe, you're a good leader. I love you, man." They hug, then Keith puts his arm around me as we look at our group one last time.
"We love you guys." I say, then turn and we walk to the door where Blake, Karson, and Henry are waiting. They lead us out of the room and down the hall to a laboratory. There are two beds set up, right next to each other, with machines next to each. I tighten my grip on Keith, ignoring the fear filling me. I'm going to die. I turn to look up at Keith, he's already looking down at me, smiling sadly.
"I love you, Cassie."
"I love you, Keith." He leans down and captures my lips with his, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him with everything in me as a tear streaks down my face. When we break apart, I hide my face in his neck, not wanting to let go of him. Someone clears their throat and we finally break apart, turning to them. We don't say a word and we lay on the beds, still close to each other. The way they set the beds up, it's like on big bed. I look at Keith as they put the tubes in our arms. He smiles at me, squeezing my hand lightly.
"Don't worry, we'll always be together, even in death. We'll find each other, I know it." I smile, leaning over to kiss him again quickly.
"Once we start, it'll take about ten minutes until you've lost too much. You won't feel any pain, you'll just get very tired and fall asleep." Blake says, standing at foot of the beds. I nod.
"Ok, start it." He nods and I look back to Keith. We continue to stare at each other as the minutes go by. Each passing minute makes me more and more tired until I know I'm going to die soon. I weakly squeeze Keith's hand. He's in the same state as I am, so close to death. "I love you." I whisper.
"I love you, I always will." Our eyes start to close, and he leans forward to kiss me one last time.
"Forever." That's the last thing I hear before a bright light engulfs me, and I know I'm dead.
"Keith?!" I yell, looking around. I'm standing in a bright room, empty except for a door in the corner. I walk towards it slowly and open it. It leads to another room, but this one isn't empty. Keith turns as I walk in, relief flooding his face. We run to each other, wrapping our arms around the other. He buries his face in my hair as I bury mine in his neck.
"I told you we'd always be together. Even in death." He says into my hair. I laugh, holding him tighter.
"I knew you were right." I pull back and press my lips to his. Together, we'll always be together.

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