Chapter Fifteen

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~Keith's POV~

     We've been on the road for about three days, scavenging along the way. We're trying to find big enough vehicles to carry us without having to have too many cars. I'm sitting with Karson and John when I see Cassie walk to the front of the group, with her pack on her back. She clears her throat, catching everyone's attention. 

     "We need to get moving while the sun is still up, grab your packs and lets go." Everyone immediately starts packing their things into their bags and grabbing their weapons. After I put my pack on, I walk over to Cassie.

     "So where are we going? What's the plan?" She looks up at me and sighs.

     "I'm still trying to figure everything out. We are going to California to try and find a boat that we could live on, at least for a little bit. I only became leader three days ago, and now I have to lead a much bigger group. And that Jessica girl," she rolls her eyes, shaking her head. "I get the feeling that I'm going to like her about as much as she likes me." I nod, looking over at Jessica. She's just sitting on the ground, watching everyone get ready. She hasn't even packed her things. I roll my eyes, turning back to Cassie.

     "Yeah, I bet she's going to be difficult, she was the same before we even got here, she's probably going to be even worse now." She raises an eyebrow.

     "And why is that?" I laugh, quietly.

     "Because she doesn't like how close we are. If you were to look over at her right now, I bet she's glaring at you." She looks behind me and smirks, nodding.

     "If looks could kill, I'd be a walker by now." I turn to see Jessica glaring daggers at Cassie and laugh.

     "She's threatened by you. I think they all are." Her smirk drops and she sighs.

     "Yeah, I guess they are." Her voice drops as she looks at the ground, but then looks back up, the sadness gone from her face, the cold façade back in place. "So are you and Jessica dating, or as much as you can in this world?" I immediately shake my head, disgust written across my face.

     "I wouldn't date her if it would save my life from a horde of walkers." Her lips twitch, like she's about to smile, but she clenches her jaw and turns away. I frown, trying to figure out what could make her so sad. It obviously has to do with Julia's death, but what about it? Yeah, she's sad about it, but why won't she let herself be happy? Does she think it's her fault? My eyes widen as realization hits me. She thinks it's her fault that Julia died. That's why she won't let herself be happy again. I remember the same thing happening when she first met Walter. Sadness consumes me at the thought. How can I get her to believe that it's not her fault anymore? If I were to talk about it with her, she'd know that we were there and be angry. I'm just going to have to ask her about it. I turn to find Karson and see him standing with John. I walk over and start to talk, but I'm cut off when I hear Cassie start to talk.

     "Is everyone ready?" She asks, standing in the middle of the road with her katana in her hand. She scans the group and her eyes narrow when she finds Jessica sitting in the same position she was while we were talking. She stalks over, her eyes still narrowed. "Why aren't you ready?" Her voice is loud, everyone turns to see what's happening. John sighs when he sees Jessica, shaking his head.

     "Because I don't want to go anywhere. I'm tired." Jessica says in her high-pitched, annoying voice. She glares up at Cassie, not moving.

     "You can rest when we're done walking for the day, get up, get ready, we're leaving." Her voice lowers threateningly. I see Jessica's eyes widen in fear, then she narrows them, glaring once again.

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