thirty nine

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"Well, this is cosy" Mark said sarcastically once we'd all got settled.

"It's actually quite cute, the fairy lights, all the pillows and duvets, #Bemma" Nathan winked.

"Very funny" Blake snapped. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate so I checked it and I was so surprised. It was a text from Hunter.

Hunter: Look, I understand we've broken up but you don't have to rub it in my face

I automatically got really angry so I replied immediately.

Emma: Hunter you're literally a couple beds away from me you could just talk to me in person because this is stupid. And how am I rubbing it in your face? I understand that I'm close with Blake now but I have no reason not to because I'm single.

Hunter: I'm not gonna say anything out loud because I don't want to cause drama in front of everyone. And immediately after we break up you have to get another boyfriend and show off in front of me?

Emma: Blake's not my boyfriend and even if he was it wouldn't concern you. You're the one who ended our relationship Hunter.

"You okay?" Blake asked me when he realised I hadn't spoken in a while.

"Yeah, just tired" I lied and kept messaging Hunter.

Hunter: I didn't end the relationship for no reason and you know that. We had a huge argument because you don't trust me. I can't be with someone who doesn't trust me.

Emma: That's your opinion. So why are you jealous of me and Blake if you think we aren't right for each other?

By this time Hunter had moved into the corner of the tent by Mark, probably because he didn't want anyone seeing what he was doing on his phones.

Hunter: I don't know! I was stupid to end the relationship okay! Of course I'm going to be jealous if you've moved on and I still really like you

At this point my heart sank. I didn't have any clue that Hunter still liked me in that way. I didn't even know how to respond to his text message now. I don't like him in that way anymore, I'm focussed on Blake now.

Emma: You weren't stupid to end the relationship, you did what you thought was right. And thank you for admitting your feelings. But don't think that just because you say you like me now that I'm gonna come running to you. I like Blake now Hunter.

Hunter: K.

Emma: One more thing, if Blake hadn't of invited me to come to America with him then we wouldn't have seen each other today and you wouldn't have told me this.

Hunter: K.

Emma: You're so difficult. You really confuse my feelings.

Hunter: Sorry

Emma: Let's be civil, I don't want to cause drama because the other boys are having so much fun.

Hunter: Well I'm not having fun.

Emma: Neither am I.

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