A Big Arrest and a Little Detest

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The smell of buttermilk and coconut wolfed through the air in the Yardell house. Ivan stood around the kitchen bench grinding a lemon on a squeezer as hard as he could. The pale yellow liquid seeped down to the bottom of the bowl. The sour aroma rushed into his nostrils causing him to wince with the burst of citrus that was stinging his eyes. He stared out at the window. The brightness of the moonlight caused him to squint blurring his vision even further.

"You don't want me to do it darling?", said Ursula standing in the hallway. She had  been disturbed by the clatter of pans, the sizzling of the hotplate and the chopping of knives on a wooden cutting board. It was a disjointed mixture of  sounds that spoiled her much beloved nighttime shower.

"I can't sleep honey, our son is in deep trouble" said Ivan rubbing his eyes and flaring his nostrils. A wave of sorrow filled him. It couldn't replace the joy of cooking that was his go-to stress reliever.

"I know my dear." She strolled over to him gently kissing him on the lips. "We have to be strong and make sure his disappearance is unnoticed."

"You reckon the Knights as that dumb?", asked Ivan raising his voice with a nervous energy. "They are going to punish him love and there's nothing we can do about it."

He collapsed onto a chair and began to sob.

Ursula couldn't help herself but to sit down into blubbering mess as well. Their calls of sadness echoed through the house making its way to their neighbours. 

 A trail fire light up at the doorstep. Ivan saw it out the corner of his eyes. He quickly pushed his tears away and snorted up the dribbling mucus. He had to be composed for what he believed would be a concerned neighbour.

A thumping knock rocked the front door. The hallway flickered with torchlight. Ivan unlocked the door. In front of him was the outline of several orange hats lit up by the Bounders carrying tiki torches in their hands. One them step forward only centremetres from Ivan's face. It was Devin Le Pure.

An instant warmth travelled over his body. Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead. Inside he hoped a day like this would never come.

"Where is Oleg!", he demanded.

"I am not sure mate", Ivan replied. His words quavered unravelling the strong man he had built himself up to be. Behind closed doors he was as soft and gentle as you could get, but in the sight of  the community Ivan was seen to be a "tough nut".

"I'll ask again", said Devin stepping on his toes. Ivan held breathe muffling the pain. The rest of the Knights formed around him as if they were birds eying of their injured prey.

Ursula rushed to door screaming at the sight of the cold, torch lit faces. It was nightmarish at best. 

How did we ever become treated like criminals?, she thought.

Her cries brought more torches to the scene. The town folk had turned into moths attracted to a light.

"If I knew I would tell you. I did my best to hide him from the truth," said Ivan through gritted teeth.

"Your best isn't good enough," said a voice. "You and your wife have let me down Ivan, and now you must explain to us how you have done so."

Ivan felt a sick chill come over his body. His stomach gurgled uneasily.

The mayor stepped into the torchlight. His eyes were dark and filled with a frightening menace.

"I beg you", said Ursula with a desperate cry. "Not here, just take us to the dingiest cell you can find on this island. I plead to you not in front of everyone!"

Her cries desperation awoke the town. Doors opened and closed in a hurry as hordes of torches funnelled towards them. It was as if the Bounders didn't want to be late for the show.

"Why of course Ursula that was always going to be the case. You have just made my wish come sooner."

A dozen Tropical Knights rushed to the couple. They were fixated on them as if they were wolves stalking their prey. Urusula shuffled back into the house. Ivan stood their resolute ready to defend her. Hands stretched out to Ivan grabbing him by whatever meat was on his skinny frame. Ivan stood his ground but the force against him was too much. His back collided onto the house creating a wooden thud that rumbled the deck beneath them. The impact caused him to collapse into an injured mess. 

 He was surrounded, slumped against the patio rubbing his back. A handful of smouldering glowing green stones were held against his face. In an instant, his eyes closed and his head fell to his side. He was snoring.

The vetir had did its job. The stones were an effective tranquilliser that could knock out a Bounder in seconds.

The sight of her incapacitated husband send Urusula into shock. She became lightheaded and lost her balance. One of knights was quick enough to catch her before she fell face first onto the deck. She was out cold before he even caught her.

A crowd quickly began to grow. Those who were in their way were forcibly pushed aside; aggression of this nature was never seen on Juniper Island. Knights from every corner of the town arrived helping to control the situation. The night air was filled with a cacophony of cries, gasps, screams and retaliation. Through the chaos, Kai stepped onto the deck strolling past the mayor with a nod of approval.

"Hog tie these traitors!", said Kai spitting the words out of his mouth as if the sight of the couple disgusted him. There was absolutely no sign of remorse on his face. He wished Oleg could see it for himself. It was eager to find out what secrets the Yardells held.

Tantalising was how he put it.

The Knights followed his orders tying their hands and feet behind their back. Two burly Knights lifted the pair over their shoulders. They looked like slain animals freshly caught from a hunt.

"Move!", said Kai leading the knights off the house. They marched in two files. The mayor stood applauding what had unfolded. Satisfaction had filled him. His manifesto for progress was on the path he needed it to be.

The crowd dispersed running back to their homes before they were apprehended for breaking the curfew.

As people scrambled, Kalvin Le Pure shook his head in dismay.

"Brother what are you doing?", called out Kalvin Le Pure to Devin. He was right behind the knight carrying Ivan, Kalvin's good friend.

"The will of the Knights", replied Devin abruptly.

"The Knights do not harm the Bounders plus you have corrupted my boy." Kalvin knew he had spoken out of turn and potentially risked himself being taken as a prisoner too. But he didn't care. His principles told him to be baffled by what had happened.

"Father I was corrupted long before I was knight," interrupted Kai. He lifted his hand causing the Knights to come to a halt. He turned to his father and turned up his nose. "The Tropical Knights merely freed me from it."

Kalvin was left in a speechless as to were the Bounders around him.

"Quick march!", called out Kai and the Knights journeyed towards the forest. The stomping of their boots created a dull drum throughout the town.

All Kalvin could do was look upon the monster in which his son had turned into. The mayor walked passed him not saying a word or even shooting him a glance. The mayor believed the damaged had already been done.

Mira, his wife held him gently by the hand and looked into her husband's eyes. He was broken but the glistening of her green eyes and thin blonde hair in the moonlight assured him everything would be okay.

"For the sake of Pyra and the almighty Grewir I hope the Yardells are safe", said Kalvin to Mira.

"My dear they are strong family, particularly that boy he is something else."

Kalvin replied with a smile. He took in a deep breathe and held his wife's hand firmly in his.

"Oh Mira, you're a Beaut."

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