Oh Sweet Memories

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The glow of the setting sun was met with the sound of wooden knocks, grunted efforts and rushing footsteps. It created an atmosphere that signalled Junipo was readying itself for war. Make-shift weapons could be found, throughout the town. They were made with whatever materials could be found creating coconut clubs, pineapple pounders and sharpened branches. The Bounders didn't know what to expect from the enigmatic Erasmus, however the grave warning given to them by Oleg and his friends, made them prepare the most menacing weapons they could concoct.

As for those who wouldn't brave themselves against Erasmus, Oleg, his friends and the townsfolk agreed, that they needed to be sheltered as far away from the danger as possible. Without any secure refuge in town, Hudson was tasked with transporting them. Once Hudson had moved them below, it was Tina's and Henry Trumbo's job to lead the journey to blue salt potato mine. It was less than a kilometre out of Junipo and provided food, shelter and water, that could sustain a large group of Bounders. Despite its small confines and dimly lit spaces, it outweighed the risk of exposing more harm to the innocent.

Just like Devin, Henry had been become wise to Erasmus' ways and didn't enjoy the direction the Knights were headed. For awhile he ignored some of the exploitation and self-indulgence of the service, though the attempted kidnapping of the Liebergs became the light he needed to awaken himself from the facade he had cornered himself in. Devin's rebellion just gave him the strength to follow through with his convictions.

Oleg awaited at the town's entrance, attuning his ears to the incoming approach of anything coming out the forest. It was also the place where Oleg agreed to meet Dom and Lorne once they returned. 

"I hope Dom and Lorne get here before Erasmus does," said Lior, who was crouched a few metres on Oleg's right. "Junipo could do with him."

Lior would have loved to spend time with his family, though the incoming Erasmus put a proper reunion aside. He wanted to sit down and retell the amazing journey he went through. It would be a welcome change to their daily conversations as no Lieberg had ever been as adventurous as Lior. Lynol and Liza understood. They were just proud of their boy and most importantly happy to know he was safe. Their fretting for him the last few days could finally stop.

"Yes I hope they're okay. I wish Dom was here right now," added Jane, letting go of Oleg's hand. She walked closer to the forest, hoping to be the first to spot them.

It seemed like Jane had literally glued herself to Oleg for the entire time she had been in Junipo. She felt secure with him, despite being just as able to defend herself without him. All it took was the touch of his' hand on hers' to make everything feel a little less daunting. When Dom was around, she also felt much safer too.

"Hey, relax you two, they'll be here any moment. Lorne would be bounding hard to get here. He has vengeance on his mind."

"Vengeance?" asked Jane, "What does that mean." She looked back Oleg, tilting her head to the side.

Oleg quietly chuckled to himself. It was hard to remember Jane only came into his life a few days ago. She had expanded her vocabulary and broadened her understanding of the world at an astonishing rate, which made it easy to forget that she was still yet to grasp some concepts.

"It means getting back at them; hurting them, like they hurt you or stopping them, before they stop others."

"I understand now. Erasmus hurt Tina and him, which is why Lorne wants to make sure no other Bounder in Junipo get hurt."

"That's right," nodded Oleg. He grabbed her by the waist and planted a small kiss on her forehead. Jane responded with wet kiss on the lips. Jane then nodded to herself, pleased with understanding the concept. Oleg could taste the mango ice tea on her lips that Liza Lieberg had made for her. It was not as good as his mother's, but it was refreshing nonetheless.

Lior sighed. "Mate, when all this is over and done with, I need to get a girl by my side like you."

He smiled at that thought of it.

Ahh Petra Yorton. She'll think I am a real hero once I help save Junipo.

"Don't worry buddy, I am sure you will."

You better think again!

The malevolence of the voice was instantly recognisable. Its sharpness drew Oleg back into the depths of the cave. He pressed his hands against his ears, trembling with the pressure. It had occurred to him the end of the day was quickly drawing to a close. Nearby Bounders rushed around sparking alight as many torches as they could find. Others circled around him, looking upon him in horror and awe, unsure of how they could help him.

"It's Erasmus," Oleg said closing his eyes. A rush of nightmarish thoughts came to him:

Junipo destroyed, left in a heap and rubble.

His friends battered, bruised and perhaps even slain.

His parents begging for their lives as a horde of rock apes descended upon them.

And him with darkness swirling in his eyes, looking upon the destruction he and Erasmus had caused.

"He can't hurt you," said Jane, digging her nails into his arms. The flush of pain, shot his eyes open. "I know you won't let him." Her voice was frail, but she felt the need to support him, encourage him as she knew the very fate of the island, largely rested in his hands.

Lior grabbed him by the head and shook it like he was winding him for a fist fight. "Stand up to him mate. Tell him you're not afraid," said Lior with a scowl.

Oleg kept willing himself, believing his friends the best he could, but another intrusion by Erasmus had forced him to collapse to his knees, pushing Lior away. The immense pressure inside his head was building with each second.

Their words couldn't be any more wrong, Oleg. I see your fears. You cannot escape it.

The power of Erasmus was overwhelming. Oleg was starting to believe he was right. He suddenly realised that this whole time he knew his every move. How could he fight against that?

Jane cupped her hands around his and took in a deep breath. 

"Oleg please don't give up! We need you. I need you. If you can't be strong at least try to be for me."

"I can't; he's too strong," said Oleg sounded wearily, exhausted and above all defeated. Grey pigments had formed under is eyelids. Jane knew he had enough.

"Oleg,"  grunted Lior, "Her life is at stake, surely that means something to you. You're not an Oaf are you?"

A surge of newfound energy came through Oleg. He pried his eyes open. It made the effort feel like they had been stuck shut with glue.

He was angered, but at the same time determined to prove them all wrong.

The sunlight had faded. Sunset seemed to be only seconds away.

Now was his time.

"Show yourself!" cried out Oleg. The circle parted as if his command blew them away.

Out of the forest a white glow appeared. It spread in direction of Oleg, quickly blinding him in the process. He wanted to look away, though it was mesmerising, captivating and overpowered his resistance.

Now you will know who you really are. All of you will. Erasmus spoke ominously. Oleg could picture the smugness on his face.

A flash of images came to his head, filled with all sorts of colours and emotions. It was kaleidoscopic; a journey to a fantasy land. To a time where everything made sense. Like a puzzle, each memory came back to him, building a part of his brain that been lost for so long.

Suddenly, the colours faded.

"I am Aldous Kral," he said to himself. 

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this one. Thanks for your commitment once again. I know it can he hard to keep reading sometimes, so I hope there have been no dull moments. 

Poor Oleg can get a break. His thoughts are both a useful and a curse.What did you think of his visions? Did you expect him to have the same name when he was an Urthkai?

Please vote, leave comments and share the story. 

It would mean the world to me :)

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