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Taehyung's pov:

I sat beside his grave as I recited a letter. A letter, which had all the questions I wanted to ask him, but I couldn't. A letter, which had all the things I planned for us, but we couldn't do, only because of him.

Dear hyung,
I really miss you,we all do. You shouldn't have left hyung, you shouldn't have kept you're problems to yourself , and why didn't you share it with us? I have soo many questions, still waiting to be answered. And you're the only one who has the answer. But you've left me...you've left all of us in a dilemma. You decided that death was better than life. I don't know where you are...but I hope you rest in peace. Just know we all love you hyung, if we saw what was coming, we wouldn't have to go to hospital that day. We would be at home, celebrating your birthday, not mourning your death day. We miss you hyung...we really do. Hope you find happiness up there which you didn't find down here.

It was not fair, he was too young to die. He had a huge life ahead of him, and death at such a young age was not part of it.

It was not a part of our lives either. When he left us, we fell apart, chaos broke out in our company when news spread that he died, moreover, commited suicide.

Fans were left shocked as well as sad, and so were we. We refused to come out of our rooms everyday, we refused to eat, or even clean our house. The whole dorm became nonchalant without him. The scolding and threatening of our manager to make us work slowly became pleading.

And after a while, he gave up hope too.

A year later, we announced our disbandment. It broke us to do so, but we couldn't continue. People were hoping for a last goodbye stage, but we couldn't, and we didn't have one.

Cause everything just wasn't the same without him.

We packed our bags and soon left for our seperate ways. Everyone moved on, and continued working. And I, well I just couldn't.

I seem to be stuck in a time lapse. Unable to move on, unable to forget about him. Cause even after two years of his death, I still tear up at his mention.

Because the impact he has on me is the impact Romeo had on Juliet when their eyes met and their souls spoke to each other.

He may not be here with me right now. But his heart lies with me, as I carry his heart in mine.

Wiping the tears that were threatening to fall, I got up as I placed the letter in my back pocket, a boquet of purple tulips near his grave and I  closed my eyes as I said, merely above a whisper,

"Happy birthday my friend. May you rest in peace wherever you are. "

Placing my hands in my pocket, I made my way to my car and decided to go to  our favourite café.

Stepping into the car, I decided to listen to the radio. His solo track started playing. I remember how hard he worked for that song, writing, composing, arranging. He put his heart and soul in it.

But little did we know that his song was a message, a message for us, and till date I hate myself for being unable to have understood it beforehand.

After he left, I remained in a state of confusion.

I wanted to forget his grief, his sadness, and remember him as the happy, charismatic and cheerful person I once knew. But at the same time, I wanted to remember him for how strong he was, for he fought his battles alone and never let anyone know about it.

But maybe that's where he was wrong, he shouldn't have fought his battles alone. For a one man army couldn't have won with an army of thousands.

Yes, that's where you were wrong, hyung. A battle must not be fought alone,  I thought as I parked my car and made my way into the café.

I ordered his favourite caramel Frappuccino and took some doughnuts along with it. Thoughts wandered in my mind of when we all used to come here together as a group. But two years have passed by and no one knows each other's whereabouts. After my food arrived, I decided to take it home rather than have it now.

Drink in one hand, food in the other, I took my stuff  and started to leave when I bumped into someone  entering the shop, throwing his phone on the floor.

"Ah I'm sorry I should have seen where I was going." He says, voice barely above a mumble with a mask covering his face while he looks at the floor.

"It's ok" I say, as he lifts his head, making eye contact with me for a split second before I continue walking my way.

A sudden voice interrupted me,

"Taehyung hyung?" It said, loud and clear.

I stopped in my tracks, "Jungkook?"

Author note

Aye aye aye. Here it is guys, the edited version of chapter 1 of beyond the scene. Tbh, I love the way it turned out.

Also, the word count, 1147 words. Yay!

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