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Taehyung's POV:

I woke up with my head throbbing. Getting off my bed I made way to the bathroom.

Immediately stopping in my tracks, I turn around and look at my messy bed and room.

Didn't I sleep at the dorm..? I thought as I slowly inched closer to my bed and started touching it making sure it was real.

It all feels real...

Pinching and slapping myself numerous times didn't help, cause no matter how many times I do that, I still find myself standing in the middle of my room in my house.

Pulling my hair out of frustration, I sighed and sank down to the floor.

"What is happening? First, I see him in my house on his death anniversary, then a message on my bed and now, I wake up home when I should be at the dorm"

Something's wrong with me, and I don't know what, but I'll have to figure it out soon. I got off of the floor and started to get ready so I don't be late for work.

Bathing myself, the only thing I could think of was, Am I forgetting things because of the sleeping pills? Did I drive home last night?

I might take them regularly...but it's only one at a time. Maybe it's because I took four of them at once that day. But that was only once, right? How could that make a difference?

Lost in thoughts, I continued to get ready slowly untill I glanced at the clock. 8:35, it read. My eyes widened as I checked my phone to make sure the clock was right. It was 8:35 indeed.

Stuffing my breakfast in my mouth I grabbed a hold of my bag, his diary and ran out a door hoping I won't be scolded for being late on my first day.

Driving the fastest I can while maintaining the speed limit, I reached my office at 8:55.

I rushed and made my way to the actors' styling room to pick out they're outfits. 

Luckily, no one saw that I was late and the actor's were still getting their makeup done so I had some time left to choose their outfits.

After rummaging through the clothes over and over again i picked out outfits for them.

It was a bit hard because they were slightly picky, but after a few hours I could finally rest while the shooting continued.

I took his diary out of my bag and decided to continue reading it.

I opened the very first entry which he had written, it was written on the day he had auditioned.

His words and phrases were oozing out happiness and excitement.

He seemed like as if he was on top of the world.

I continued to turn the pages and read what was written, observing that day by day as he wrote his diary, the excitement shown in the start was turning to depression.

He started writing about how happy he was and continued to write about troubled he was.

Occasionally he wrote about how he lost his individuality, his own sense of style and how empty he left in a house filled with seven members.

Tears were flowing as I read his diary page by page.

Suddenly, someone caught my attention.

The shoot was done and it was time for an outfit change for another scene.

Picking out outfits once again, I had gotten tired.

As they continued shooting again, one question roamed my mind,

"How come he never told any of us he felt empty?"

I felt broken, after reading his diary. Broken and sad, that he didn't feel like sharing his thoughts with me or anyone else.

The rest of the day flew by and soon enough, my work was done and I was in my car driving back home.

Reaching my house, I sat down on the sofa in the living room and stared at his diary.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

"Kookie",  read the contact name.

Picking up, the first words I heard were,

"Hyung I went to our dorm today"

"And...?"  I said, confused.

"I found a diary, his  diary hyung. It was under my pillow. Almost as if he wanted me to find it for him.  And there's also a letter written to me. From him."

I was shocked, how could that be possible? Don't I have his diary?

"What?",was the only thing I could say before I  heard the doorbell ring and the line go dead.

Author note

Let's just pretend that wasn't late guys....

Hope y'all liked it tho.

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