Chpt#4 What The Boss Do

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Louisa's POV

"WHAT!?" they all screamed, i was speechless so I just stood silent as I rub my nape and looking at the cold ground.

"So your real name is Louisa Ackerman...." Jean walked up to me, "You are a gang leader...." I slowly looked up at Jean, thought he was angry but he wasn't,

"And....y-your b-b-brother is Levi?" he slowly took a glimpse at Aniki from behind.

He became nervous all of a sudden.

"That's right, Jean Kirschtein, Louisa my sister." my brother replied with a very cold expression with his hands crossed.

I saw Jean nervously gulped his saliva.

"Well at least the whole mystery is solved, why you guys are close is because your siblings.....and not a couple." Mikasa looked at the ground with a disappointed expression.

"Um, don't tell me you still thought about that?" Connie asked.

"Maybe yes, maybe not." she smirked at me

Everyone cheered up a bit. Well at last the tension disappeared.

Sheesh, this girl is weird in her ways, is she something like our cousin or somewhat a relative?

Unsuspected, someone knocked the door that stopped everyone's laughter.

"Come in." I said, the door opened too see Shinami and Liyah frankly tired.

"Wow, you guys ok?" Sasha asked.

"Whooowh! Never been better!" Shinami laughed as she and Liyah got inside.

"Well, we had some trouble with the military police....they've gotten stronger." Liyah took off her glasses as she wiped of the sweat from her forehead.

"Though we managed...if they've gotten strong, hahaha, we've gotten strong too." Shinami said.

"Though we had to use our weapons....and it was hard to escape them." Liyah added.

"But don't you miss using them?" Shinami asked.

"It's going to attract people! Especially now were back!" Liyah replied.

"The one who get's everyone's attention is Louis, neh?" Shinami smirked at me.

Great....the optimistic and the negative perspectives are fighting again. Liyah's on the negative side as usual and same for the optimistic Shinami.

"You don't have to call her that, we all know her real name." Eren sighed.

"Eh?" Liyah and Shinami tilted their heads in the same time.

"Her real name is Louisa Ackerman right?" Armin said.

"FUEEEE!!!???" The two shouted in unison from shock, Shinami looked at the gang with disbelief while Liyah turned her head towards Levi and me. I just nodded as a response that the secret is out.

", uhh..yah..." Liyah was speechless as she tried to keep the smile on her face...which turned out to be a creepy smile.

"Hahaha....the cat's out of the bag I guess, HAHAHA... well at least the burden's out of our chest, right Liyah?" she nudges Liyah who's having a mental blackout.

"Did you guys kill anyone?" I asked. Except Liyah and Shinami, the gang turned to me with unspeakable faces, including my brother.

I know they're not used to this kinds of words but I just shook it off, let's let them understand the ways here in the underground.

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