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Dreding for whatever tomorrow hold because there's no way out.No way to turn back an no escapefrom what reality really hits people with and for whatever reason all I can feel is numb, as if I don't know how to feel at all.The funny thing is , all this could have been avoided, but no the darkness finally caught up to slowly suffocate me.Hiding in the shadows of the light is alright until the sun one day disappears out of nowhere. Leaving anyone and everything else lost and confused, stuck between the what could have beens and where to turns.Things start to collapse one by one, as the walls start caving in there's no way out of this hell hole, falling in reverse until every little burst starts unfolding every hidden avoidance. All the lies and secrets start to fall into place adding everything up to  cause an never ending cycle of choas. What makes a thousand things worse is, I don't know how to feellet alone tell you how I feel, and why I can't seem to live without you. It's a constant battle  asif  can't stand to lose you , yet I cant even let you in.

At this point,nothing is even worth anything, its not worth trying to keep something so full of potenial but too fragile to leave. Walking on a thin tight rope, ready to snap at any given moment, knowing for damn fact we wont catch each other when we fall because we aren't prepared for the aftermath of it all.

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