Chapter 9

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Imad's P.O.V----

It was just two days after me and Hasna got married. I was in the kitchen with my laptop open, while Hasna was cooking. I told her not to but she insisted on doing it. 

"So, you just work from home and design websites, posters and make small animations for people?" 

"Yeah. I get a lot of money from it though. And this way you won't miss me when I go work." 

"I wouldn't have missed you either way." I watched her as she struggled to stir the food in the pan. I hated seeing her like this. Baba was still planning how to redraft the house so it would be easier for Hasna whenever she had to be in a wheelchair. The group of people were sent to jail after a short court case. Hasna groaned with annoyance and pushed herself over to me. I saw the tears in her eyes and knew that she was going to cry. I carefully pulled her onto my lap and kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry. I tried to cook for you but I can't." I rocked her back and forth until she fell asleep. I heard the front door open and saw Ommy come through the doors. 

"Again? I tell her I will do it when I come home but she always tries. Are you okay?" 

"Ommy, do I make her happy? I don't think I do. She's only been crying ever since she came here." 

"Immy, don't you dare start! You make her very happy. She's just emotional now. You heard her mum." I silently nodded my head and carried on doing my work with Hasna on my lap. It became like a routine and I didn't mind. I would have went upstairs and put her on the bed but she's a light sleeper and I knew she would have woken up. After an hour, I walked upstairs and carefully put her down. Although her back was better, I still didn't want to cause any extra harm to it. I went and prayed Asr salaah and went back downstairs. 

Hasna's P.O.V---

I rolled over onto my stomach and then woke up. Aunty was sitting at the desk, spinning herself on the chair. "Aunty, is everything okay?" 

"I'm your Ommy now. I just wanted to talk to you about Imad." She came over and straightened me up and then sat next to me. "I know you guys haven't done anything because of girl issues but I just wanted to know, does he make you happy?" 

"Of course he does! He makes me very happy." 

"He doesn't think so, Sana," she sadly said. 

"I'm sorry I've been crying about all this. I didn't mean to make him upset." 

"No, it's not your fault. Your mother has told what your ex-husband told me. What he said was wrong. Just go back to the days when you didn't mind being on a wheelchair and think like that." 

"Do I make him happy?" 

"Trust me, you make him very happy. Shall I call him up?" 

"No, I'll let him finish off his work first. Thank you, Ommy." She smiled at me and then left. I looked around for my wheelchair and then realised that Imad must have carried me upstairs so it meant that it was downstairs. 

Imad's P.O.V---

I finished praying Magrib in the sitting room and went back to the kitchen. I saw Ommy standing over the cooker. I went back to my laptop and groaned when it said the battery was low. I saved all my work and then turned it off. I would have went upstairs and got it but I didn't want to wake Hasna up since I make a lot of noise. 

"Immy, she's awake if you want to go upstairs." 

"How long has she been awake for?" 

"An hour or so. She didn't want to disturb your work." 

"Alright, Ommy. Do you need any help?" 


"Alright. I'm gonna go and talk to her." I kissed Ommy's cheek before running upstairs with the laptop on my hand. I walked into the room and saw Hasna sitting up and looking at the ceiling. 

"Has anyone ever told you that you run up the stairs like an elephant?" She didn't look at me as she spoke. 

"A few." I sat down beside her and kissed the top of her head. "You okay?" 

"Imad, you make me happy. I know I don't show it with all the crying and everything, but you make me happy. I thank Allah every morning when I see you next to me- although it's been two days. I love you, Imad. I'm sorry I've been making you upset all this time. I promise I won't cry anymore. Do you forgive me?" 

"Hey, it's okay." I put my arm around her and moved closer to her. "It's okay, Hasna. You know I love you, right? I don't like seeing you like this. Remember when you came here as my wife? The first thing I wanted to do is plait your hair. It took me a good two hours but I managed to get it done." She laughed and then nodded her head. "And remember yesterday when I brushed your hair and just ran my fingers through your hair and put you to sleep? Those are the things that make me happy. It doesn't have to be that you have to cook me food- although I might need that to survive- or do all the household chores in the house. Even when you smile it makes me happy. Even if it's a little one. And plus, it's sunnah." I put the charger on for the laptop and then lay my head down on Hasna's legs. "Hows your back?" 

"Doctor called yesterday and said that I can slowly start walking from Monday. Can't go over like a mile for the first two days and then five miles for the next day and then I should be as good as I was before." She started to run her fingers through my hair and I closed my eyes. "Did you get your work done?" 

"Yeah. I started on the other one so we can spend some time together tomorrow. Whether it's going out or just sitting in bed all day like this, I don't mind." I opened my eyes and smiled at her. "I know why your parents named you Hasna. You are truly beautiful,  Hasna." I chuckled when she blushed. "I mean it. I am so lucky to have you." 

I put the laptop onto my lap and continued doing some work. Hasna watched me for a while and then began reading her book with her fingers still running through my hair. I took out my left hearing aid so I was more comfortable. We both stayed silent until the azaan went off on Hasna's phone. I kissed her head again and then went to go and pray Isha salaah. Baba came home shortly after and then went to eat. I rushed to the room and saw Hasna still sitting there. 

"Hasna! I'm so sorry! You haven't eaten anything since morning." 

"I'm not hungry. You go and eat." I rolled my eyes and then picked her up from the bed. "Imad, put me down! Imad!" 

"I'm sorry, but you have to eat. And you won't be able to walk downstairs with your back. Ommy, can you get Hasna's wheelchair to the end of the stairs, please?!" 

"Thanks for shouting in my ear..." 

"It's okay." I got to the bottom and saw Ommy with the wheelchair. "Thank you, Ommy." 

"You guys haven't eaten since morning, now go to the kitchen and join your father." Hasna began pushing herself to the kitchen and greeted Baba. We all ate together and then talked about Baba's trip to France. 

"So where are you planning to go on your honeymoon?" 

"Urm...I was thinking of saving money and not going. You are already spend a lot of redrafting the house for me and that is going to be a lot of money." 

"Hasna, you have to go. Just pick a country. Stay there for a week and then come back." Hasna shook her head and said she would think about it. Both our families had the money. Even I had the money to go on a honeymoon for two weeks in my own account. I carried Hasna up the stairs and then went back down to get her wheelchair. I lay down beside on the bed and turned off the lamp beside the bed. 

"Man, you make me do a workout every single day." She laughed and then put her head on my shoulders. I kissed the top of her head and then took off her scarf. "You might end up strangling yourself like that." I ran my fingers through her hair until I fell asleep. I didn't know if she fell asleep or not but I was too tired. 

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