Chapter 6

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"Jake slow down." I mutter as my boyfriend, Jake kisses my neck. "Why babe?" He asks still kissing my neck. "Jake please." I say a little louder this time. He slowly pulls away looking disappointed. "What's wrong?" He demands. "Nothing." I say crossing my legs on my bed. "Then why can't we keep going?" He asks sounding annoyed. "Because I'm not ready yet." I say. "You always say that!" He exclaims. "Because every time it's true." I mutter. "Do you not love me?" He questions. "No of course I do." I hurriedly say. "Then what better way then this to show our love for each other?" He demands again. "I want my first time to be special and when I'm ready." I speak gently. "Isn't this special!" He yells making me flinch back. He always gets like this when this happens. "Of course it is but I want it to be in like a hotel room with rose petals on the bed or when we're on a vacation together maybe." I say trying to calm him down. I reach my hand out to rest on his and he yanks his arm away and jumps off the bed. "But it's almost the end of the sophomore year!" He snaps. "What does the school year have to do with this?" I demand. His eyes widen. "Because I'm going to a camp for the whole summer so I won't be able to see you." He says quickly. "You didn't tell me that." I say. "I just found out today." He says looking over at my dresser. "Oh." I mutter. "I have to go." He says walking towards the door. "Oh ok bye love you." I say quickly as he walks out my room. I soon hear the front door slam shut and flinch. Hailey walks in with a sympathetic look in her bright green eyes. "Am I wrong Hailey? Should I just get it over with?" I ask as she walks over and sits next to me on my bed. "Hey you need to be ready with making a big decision like this. Don't do it just because he wants it. Like you said your first time should be special and with someone you love." She soothes. "I love him though." I sob as tears start leaking from my eyes. "I know you do Harley but you should do it when YOU'RE ready, not when he wants you to be ready." She speaks gently while rubbing my back. "Thanks. What would I do without you as my sister?" I chuckle. "Harley?" I hear a familiar voice but can't place it. I look over to where Hailey was sitting and see her fading away. "Hailey no please don't leave me! I need you!" I scream trying to grab the fading figure of my sister. "HAILEY PLEASE!" I screech. "Harley!" I hear a yell and feel myself being shaken.

I open my eyes to see that I'm in a white room with bright lights. "Oh my head." I groan lifting my hand to my head and feel a huge bump. "What the hell?" I gasp. I slowly sit up, my head pounding. "Hey careful there Harley." I hear a voice chuckle. I look to my left and see Jaxson with red and puffy eyes and gauze wrapped around his right hand. "What happened to your hand?" I gasp. "What do you think? Do you remember anything?" He asks rubbing his eyes.

I stiffen as it all floods back to me, getting lost, asking a guy for directions, him flirting with me, me denying him, him grabbing my arm and trying to take me to a janitors closest, Jaxson trying to save me, the guy throwing me against the wall then it all went black. "Yeah." I whimper. "Hey hey you're ok now. I'm here." He soothes opening his arms. I slowly and carefully get up and walk over to him. He pulls me onto his lap and hugs me. "Hey who were you yelling? In your sleep?" He asks pure confusion in his eyes. "Um my old friend." I quickly say. I'm not ready to tell him about Hailey yet. "Oh ok. You must miss her." He says sympathetically. "So much." I whine. "Sorry. I know you probably don't want to talk about that." He says. "It's fine." I sniffle.

"Harley?" I see a middle aged woman walk into the room who I can only guess is the nurse. "Yes?" I say looking up. She switches her glance from me to Jaxson, who might I add still has me on his lap. I leap off Jaxson's lap and walk over to her. "I called your mom and she said she can't come get you." She speaks. "Oh that's ok I can just drive home." I say starting to leave the room. "Um I don't think so." The nurse calls after me. I slowly turn around and walk back to her. "What?" I ask. "You can't drive in your condition. You could have a concussion." She exclaims. "I can drive her." Jaxson pipes up. I laugh at her reaction. Her eyes go wide and she looks nervous to agree. "It's either he takes me home or I drive myself." I speak up. "Fine." She sighs. "Ok lets go Jaxson." I say walking out of the nurses office. "Coming!" He calls to me as I hear running footsteps and feel a arm wrap around my waist. "To our lockers." I chuckle as I run towards my locker. Surprisingly the nurses office is pretty close to our lockers so I don't have to run far. I grab my backpack and shut my locker and look over at Jaxson to see he has his stuff to. "Why do you have your school stuff. Aren't you coming back?" I ask as we walk towards the exit.

"Nope I'm gonna stay with you until your mom gets home." He speaks.

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