Chapter 13

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"Hello?" I hear a mans voice as a tall man walks down the stairs. He has black hair and gray eyes. "Who are you and what are you doing in my family's house!" He booms. I hear a door slam shut behind me and hear steps running up behind me. The mans eyes soften as Jaxson appears next to me. "Hello brother." Jaxson speaks softly. "Hi Jaxson. Another girl I see." He says disappointment glazed in his gray eyes. "This ones different Ryan." He says looking down. "Is she now?" Ryan asks staring at me. "Yes." Jaxson says more confidently. My phone dings. I pull out my phone and see my mom texted me back.

M-Ok have fun. Don't do anything you might regret 😉.

Subtle mom. Real subtle. I laugh and show Jaxson the message and he chuckles. "She must be different if she's making you laugh from a text message." Ryan says walking over to me and hugging me. "Thank you for changing my brother." He sighs. "Ryan shouldn't you be in college." Jaxson growls. "Mom and dad called me in." He states pulling away from me. "Why?" He asks. "Well London is sick and you were off with this 'different' girl so they called me to take care of her." He says. London must be their 5 year old sister. "Well you can go now. I'm here I can take care of my sister." He growls again. "Our sister, brother." Ryan corrects. "Just go." He grunts. "Fine. It was nice meeting you..." He says trailing off. "Harley." I say quickly. "Nice to meet you Harley." He says and walks out of the room and house.

"RYAN!" I hear a scream. "London." Jaxson says and runs up the stairs with me close behind. He runs into a room with a black wooden door and slams it shut. I don't go in because I don't know if he wants me in there. "Jaxy!" I hear I sickly voice squeak. Aw she calls him Jaxy. "Hey sweetie." I hear Jaxson soothe. "My tummy hurts." She whines. "I know. I want you to meet someone who might make you feel better." He says. I hear him walking over to the door. He slowly opens it and motions for me to come in. I see Londons eyes widen when she spots me. She's a cute little thing with bright blonde hair, unlike her brothers who have dark colored hair, and bright green eyes like Jaxson. You can definitely tell she's 5. "Jaxy she's so pretty!" She squeals. "Isn't she." He stares at me. "Aw does Jaxy have a crush on the pretty girl." London gushes. Jaxson glares playfully at London with... a blush rising to his cheeks? No way. "The bad boy is blushing?" I chuckle. He shoots me a playful glare as well. "Bad boy? No way Jaxy's the sweetest boy ever." London laughs. "Really?" I ask looking over to see Jaxson glaring at London again.

"Pretty girl help." London wails as Jaxson starts walking threateningly towards her. I quickly run over to her, pick her up and run downstairs into the living room. London is currently laughing her little head off. "Harley how are you so fast." Jaxson yells from upstairs. "I ran track and cross country at my old school." I yell back up, wincing at the thought of my old school. "Makes sense." He grunts heavily as he runs down the stairs. "I like your name." London says looking up at me. "Why thank you. I love your name little one." I say bopping her on the nose. She squeaks and giggles. I look over to see Jaxson staring at us with something filling his eyes. I'm pretty sure it's love. He loves me? No, nuh uh, nope no way does he love me already. "You'd make a great mother." He smiles and he walks over to me and snakes his arm around my waist. "Do you feel better London?" I ask kindly. "Yeah. Much better." She beams, her gaze flicking from me to Jaxson. "I told you she'd make you feel better." He says scooping her out of my arms and twirling her around in the air. I feel something rise within me and realize something.

I, Harley Quinn Blackstone, am in love with Jaxson Robert Oak.

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