Reversing the Curse

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So, I tried to find a picture of Jake and Jinxx, but all I got were ones of them with their guitars, and I didn't want that. So, I had to take an image of BVB, and crop the others out of it to get this. So...enjoy? I guess. Just know that I worked hard for this image. Enjoy the chapter! :)

{Jinxx's POV}

     It took me a while, far too long for my liking, but I finished drawing the pentagram. I sat a chair in the center, and placed lit candles on each of the points, smiling in satisfaction as I took in the set-up. I was ready to start. I lifted my book into my hand and started performing the spell. I took a picture of Jake, and held it in my hand over the bowl at the edge of the pentagram. I set my hand ablaze and watched as the picture burned, the ashes falling into the bowl beneath me. Once the picture was completely gone, I cleared my throat and spoke, "Vocat hunc mihi in carcere inclusi remanebit donec non requirat eum." ("I summon this being to me, and he shall remain trapped in this prison, until I no longer require him." Lame, but I couldn't think of anything really creative. Sorry, not sorry.) 

     I looked up as I heard a whoosh, and Jake was sat in front of me in the chair. He looked around, then looked up at me, his eyes furious. "Release me," he ordered. I felt tears forming in my eyes, but I blinked them away. I had to remain strong, finish the spell, and save him. 

     "I do not take orders from you. You are under my control," I said. 

     He smirked and laughed viciously. "You think you can contain me? I am a thousand times more powerful than you! You're silly Pentagram cannot hold me!" he said, He rose from the chair and tried to step over the edge of the Pentagram, but was stopped. He looked confused as he tried to step out, but couldn't. I smiled.

      "The Pentagram alone may not be able to hold you, but that spell can. You're not going anywhere. And whatever darkness inside you is controlling him, is leaving," I said. 

     The monster laughed. "Silly little Mystic! If you get rid of me, you're little friend dies! Do you really want to be the reason he dies?! You couldn't kill him. You don't have the guts!" he growled. 

     I frowned, calling his bluff and scanning over the page. I had the spell ready to go. I looked up and began speaking. "Exciderunt ex antiquis magicae, audite me. Amica mea custodire ab hoc nocere quam superduxit illis spiritus eius, et revertetur ad me ipsum, ut sint unum sint corda nostra!" I said. ("Wielders of the ancient magic, hear me now. Protect my love from the harm that this spirit has brought upon him, and return him to me, so our hearts may be one!" There, that creative enough for you? XD) 

     He laughed. "Fool! Say your goodbyes, because if I'm going down, I'm..." he didn't get to finish. He froze, his mouth open slightly. Black blood dripped down his chin as he looked up at me. Then, he screamed, an unimaginably horrific sound. 

     With a deep breath, I stepped into the Pentagram. "W-What are you...?" he stuttered, looking at me. I approached him and held him down tightly. "In hoc osculum, ego convertam ad tenebras intra te, amica mea." ("With this kiss, I reverse the darkness inside you, my love." BC Jinxx and Jake are cute like that!) I leaned in and planted a light kiss on Jake's forehead, in the same spot the Matriarch had given him the Seal. I pulled away and stepped out of the Pentagram just as Jake screamed again. Black smoke poured out of his mouth and nose. He rose from the chair, took one step towards me, then froze. His dark eyes returned to their normal shade of brown before they rolled into the back of his head and he silenced, passed out on the floor.

      "Jake! Jake, wake up! Come on, we have to help the others!" I cried, racing back into the Pentagram and lifting him into my lap. Jake gasped as his eyes flew open. He coughed a little, some black blood spilling out of his mouth before it stopped. He was back, completely. 

     "J-Jinxx?" he gasped, his voice raspy, as he looked up at me. 

      I smiled, letting the tears spill from my eyes. "Hey there, beautiful. How do you feel?" I asked. 

     "Like...Death. W-What in the hell happened to me?" he wondered. 

     "Um, I can explain later. Right now, the others are in danger, and we need to go," I said. 

     Jake looked confused, but allowed me to lift him to his feet. I took his hands, and ported back to the F.E.A.R. prison. "Where are they?" Jake whispered. We were in the front hallway, by the door. 

     "I don't know. I can find them. I have a plan, but I need you to trust me," I said. 

     "Of course, love," he said, making me smile. I placed a hand over his eyes, my hand glowing black, then I removed it. 

     "What did you do?" he wondered. I looked into his completely black eyes, then looked down to the shadows that swirled at his feet. 

     "I changed your appearance so you look like you did earlier, when you were under your...mother's control. I need you to go to the throne room, pretend you're still under her control. Tell her I summoned you, and I tried to change you back, but I failed, and you killed me and escaped. Can you do that?" I asked. 

     Jake nodded, smiling. "I like it. Get to the others, and get them back safely. I'll keep her busy."

     I pulled him to me, kissing him. He kissed back before I pulled away. "Jinxx..." he started as I turned away. I turned back, and he was smiling. "Be safe."

     I nodded. "You, too." And with that, we parted ways.

Hi! I know, kind of short, but was it at least good. I mean, I don't like shorter chapters, but was it worth it? I hope so, because there is a lot more to come! So, keep reading!

If you like vampires, and you like Fall Out Boy, check out my new story, "Subject 208." It only has 2 chapters at the moment, but I update quite frequently now a days, so it should have more soon.

If you liked this chapter, please remember to vote and comment! Thanks for reading! Later! :)

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